Are you disappointed with Donald Trump’s bellicose continuing with the deployment in Afghanistan? Well, if you are not; you should be. Predicting a non-ideological President, who prides himself on making pragmatic decisions, raises prognostication to a new level of mystical proportions. Instilling hope during an election campaign seldom translates into dynamic action on every pledge made. Defending Trump no matter how many times he walks back on a promise is not the standard to judge his administration. Call him a turnaround artist if you wish, but the reality of the power elite inside the military, intelligence agencies and the state department is showing just how far they are willing to go to maintain their force of destructive rule.
The most astute Jack Hunter writes in 16 years ago, we began a “war on terror” that will never end. His purge from the Rand Paul staff was a signal that forecasts just how difficult it is to drain the swamp.
“When Donald Trump ran for president, he promised to end the “nation building,” particularly in a country like Afghanistan. He was going to be the leader who would reset America’s wandering foreign policy recklessness. Now Trump has completely flip-flopped, announcing the U.S. won’t be leaving Afghanistan anytime soon — the very definition of the nation building the president deplored as a private citizen and as a candidate.
Washington will wage its “war on terror” forever; new presidents will simply have to adjust. Barack Obama ran against George W. Bush’s regime change in Iraq only repeat it in Libya. Donald Trump ran against the nation building of Bush and Obama and has declared he will now do his own version in, at his generals’ behest.
Perhaps worst of all, the terrorists won. Fear perpetuates the Forever War, in which America has been stuck since 9/11. The goals of Osama bin Laden were met.”
Such bin Laden goals really share many of the same objectives of the globalists who are the driving element underpinning the continuous no-win war environment of perpetual carnage. When the Senate rejects Rand Paul’s war authorization amendment, the sentiments of the stalwarts for uninterrupted empire enrichment simply will not give up the imperium.
“Many senators had deep reservations about Paul’s amendment, which would have caused the authorizations to expire within six months and compelled Congress to take new votes on ongoing military operations in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and elsewhere.”
From one of the most prolific and astute critics of international affairs from a leftist perspective, John Pilger does not hold back in his essay, Angling for WW3: Why Is US Encircling Russia and China?
“In the last 18 months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two — led by the United States — is taking place along Russia’s western frontier. Not since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union have foreign troops presented such a demonstrable threat to Russia.
Ukraine – once part of the Soviet Union – has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures in Ukraine are the political descendants of the notorious OUN and UPA fascists. They openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian-speaking minority.
In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia — next door to Russia — the U.S. military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons. This extreme provocation of the world’s second nuclear power is met with silence in the West.
What makes the prospect of nuclear war even more dangerous is a parallel campaign against China. Seldom a day passes when China is not elevated to the status of a “threat.” According to Admiral Harry Harris, the U.S. Pacific commander, China is “building a great wall of sand in the South China Sea.”
The unspoken pattern that underpins the post WWII foreign policy of the U.S. is that America is the indispensable military enforcement for the New World Order. Those countries that pose a threat to this hegemony are systematically undermined, incuse regime change or are outright subverted to whatever extent needed to subjugate these rogue opposition to bow onto the all almighty Wall Street cabal.
The net result is to militarize the garrison outposts as the legions of domination keep a short leash around the necks of the subservient governments that threaten hostilities towards the empire.
In order to unwrap the layers of confusion, peel the onion of deception and acknowledge that the military is committed to foreign conquest, at the expense of genuine national defense.
The Power Elite in the Time of Trump by Prof. James Petras presents a most informative argument that is spot on.
“The military power elite has successfully taken over from the elected president in major decision-making. Where once the war powers rested with the President and the Congress, today a collection of fanatical militarists make and execute military policy, decide war zones and push for greater militarization of domestic policing. Trump has turned crucial decisions over to those he fondly calls ‘my Generals’ as he continues to dodge accusations of corruption and racism.”
Such an assessment is surely debilitating. Yet, who can honestly disagree with this conclusion? With America in a cultural meltdown and laboring under a debt-financed economy that can never balance its accounts, what are the alternatives to keep the global dominion from going bust?
The inevitable proxy to delay or postpone a final day of reckoning requires that the military intimidate the rest of the planet to accept the dictates of a dying realm. At the core of this premeditated indebtedness, bankrolled by the ultimate Ponzi scheme, the U.S. Dollar must retain its reserve currency function in order for the deficits to keep expanding.
Constant war is the best last resort for the establishment to remain as the global overseer. Since Trump’s inauguration as President, the deep state has schemed to derail any significant restoration of rational and redemptive national policies. Continued war still provides the cash flow to the munitionists just as the Afghanistan poppy crop pumps the drug profits into the coffers of the CIA.
The continuance of this public deception practice is at the root of the phony war on terror. One of the most under-reported scandals of modern times involves the $6.5 TRILLION MISSING FROM DEFENSE DEPARTMENT.
“A relatively obscure audit report from the Office of Inspector General of the United States Department of Defense suddenly is getting a lot of attention for what it apparently reveals: The Pentagon can’t account for $6.5 trillion.
At Armstrong Economics, the blog reported, “Once again, the office of inspector general has come up with a huge hole in the Department of Defense with a missing $6.5 trillion.”
The day before 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted $2.3 trillion was missing from the Defense Department budget, noted the blog.
That figure has now grown to $6.5 trillion and counting.”
Keeping the war waste machine afloat is the supreme priority for the culture of destruction. The obvious question that the system avoids at all cost asks: does any of this extreme and unwarranted spending advance actual national security?
An honest response must admit that a foreign policy of Full Spectrum Dominance has proven to be the death nil of our country and risks the demise of the planet in the nuclear age.
Whether President Trump is a dupe from a plot of the NeoCons and NeoLibs or if he never intended to curtail the forward deployment of foreign legions of enforcers is not the point. The significant consequence is that battalions of cannon fodder continue to be sacrificed for keeping the oligarchs in power.
As the prospects of global annihilation grow closer to a nuclear winter, the popular culture plays a political blame game without ever focusing on the germane failure of the department of defense. President Eisenhower’s farewell address warning of the prosiest of the military-industrial complex was never taken sufficiently serious at the time.
In all the subsequent decades, the consolidation of the worldwide empire has grown even more menacing. If the Trump administration legacy is that of a “Mad Dog”, our best chance to reverse the NWO belligerent way of life will be lost.
With all the internal difficulties and trouble America is experiencing, the continued preserve of foreign adventurism is suicidal. War has always been a population pruner, but in this era, the culling of the herd has all the signs of a mass extermination.
The war on terror seems remote when Special Forces engage in their missions upon foreign soil. However, the popular argument that fighting overseas makes the homeland safe is specious. The blowback from perpetual interventionism is a primary cause that places a target bull’s-eye on our neighborhoods and communities.
No amount of military expenditures will ever provide true security when the underlying objective is to impose a global rule over all nations.