- “Fortress Israel” is a nice place to be
- Obama still hearts poor little Tel Aviv
- Murdoch down under shows how powerlesss he is
- Today’s Pentagon Papers may have similar effect
- Peres whinges that Britain doesn’t love Israel to death
- What kind of state wants its youth to destroy homes?
- Necessary protection for Wikileaks
- Nothing to see here, simply more Zionist propaganda down under
- Troubles remain in the Gaza Strip
- Endangering “informants” in Afghanistan is a murky affair
“Fortress Israel” is a nice place to be Posted: 01 Aug 2010
Increasingly, the Zionist world frames itself as the victim in the Middle East – “nobody understands us” and “if only the West would offer unconditional backing for our enlightened occupation” – and this Jerusalem Post interview with Britain’s departing ambassador to the country reveals a newspaper editor who just wants to be loved. He needs to hear nice words about the “challenges we face, and it [Britain] faces, from Islamic fundamentalism.” He needs to know that Britain approves of the siege on Gaza, behaviour towards Hamas and the colonies. Alas, it doesn’t happen.
It’s an odd position to take; Israel is a super-power backed by the US and yet it craves legitimacy, something it increasingly lacks in the global arena. Hard to imagine why:
Obama still hearts poor little Tel Aviv Posted: 01 Aug 2010
There is no clash between Israel and America. Business as usual continues:
Murdoch down under shows how powerlesss he is Posted: 01 Aug 2010
This is almost tragic. Murdoch’s Australian newspaper has spent years demonising the Greens for extremism and much else and yet despite the wise counsel of Rupert support for the party is surging. So what to do for the little Murdoch minions? Slam the Greens more, claim they are “far Left” (a supposedly problematic term) and urge a vote for a major party, despite both Labor and Liberal being part of the problem in our system. Over to you, desperadoes:
Today’s Pentagon Papers may have similar effect Posted: 01 Aug 2010
Frank Rich in the New York Times inserts some sense into the Wikileaks debate and argues that the significance lies in confirming people’s views on a failed war (just like Vietnam).
Peres whinges that Britain doesn’t love Israel to death Posted: 01 Aug 2010
This is rich coming from an old war criminal and father of the settlements in the West Bank. The idea that Israel may be criticised in the West is seemingly beyond understanding in insulated Israel. And note the casual racism towards Muslims. The supposedly moderate face of Zionism:
What kind of state wants its youth to destroy homes? Posted: 01 Aug 2010
The recent Israeli razing of Bedouin homes was painful and captured on film.
Equally disturbing was the news that a number of young Israelis were both assisting the destruction and celebrating at the same time. Max Blumenthal, currently spending a number of months in Israel and Palestine, investigated:
Necessary protection for Wikileaks Posted: 01 Aug 2010
Now we learn that a MIT student is being questioned about possible involvement in the Wikileaks saga – there’s something almost comical about watching this, as if a host of other leakers within the establishment won’t follow in their footsteps, such is the dismay with US foreign policy – this piece of information is curious:
Nothing to see here, simply more Zionist propaganda down under Posted: 31 Jul 2010
What does Israel need?
More uncritical supporters in the West who back a “nation on the front lines of the global battle between those who love life and those who glorify death.” Welcome to the Friends of Israel Western Australia who are launching in a massive event on 8 August. Don’t expect any discussion about Zionist racism or occupation. |
Troubles remain in the Gaza Strip Posted: 31 Jul 2010
ABC Radio provides an on-the-ground report from inside Gaza, a short while since the “lifting” of the Israeli siege:
Endangering “informants” in Afghanistan is a murky affair Posted: 31 Jul 2010
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange talks to Fox News (!) about the Afghan war logs and provides some context to the release of classified documents and the ways in which “informants” often work: