Naomi Klein tells the Left to think about real climate change action
The Guardian puts its best foot forward for journalism 21st century style
When in trouble with the truth, Zionists, dredge up Hitler (or related)
What’s some dead Iranians for the sake of helping Zionism?
Naomi Klein tells the Left to think about real climate change actionPosted: 01 Mar 2012One of the savviest writers around, Naomi Klein issues a challenge in this interview with Solutions:
The Guardian puts its best foot forward for journalism 21st century stylePosted: 29 Feb 2012The British Guardian is a paper with a fine reporting record albeit with blind spots incorporated (including Wikileaks and war).They’ve just released a startling new ad that aims to showcase its “open journalism” style:Back in 1996, this is how the newspaper last promoted itself: |
When in trouble with the truth, Zionists, dredge up Hitler (or related)Posted: 29 Feb 2012This never ceases to amaze me. While Israel’s occupation deepens every day and racism towards Arabs grows – see this “fury” over religious Zionist politicians demanding an Arab judge recite the Zionist national anthem – the mostly old and crusty Jewish spokespeople globally just want the world to better understand poor little Israel.In today’s Murdoch Australian, we have the sorry sight of South African born Vic Alhadeff, loyal Zionist lobbyist, upset that Israeli Apartheid Week is upon us and he really knows what apartheid is. Not that he mentions the occupation of Palestine at all:
Alhadeff’s pedigree makes his current position all the more offensive especially since many blacks who actually suffered under South African apartheid today say what is happening to Palestinians is worse than their plight.This weekend sees Harvard’s One State Solution conference and apoplexy has set in. Call the authorities. Shut it down. Hitler is back. Or is it Bin Laden or Saddam or Arafat or Ahmadinejad? I always forget which bad guy Zionists like to quote.Here’s Ruth Wisse in the Wall Street Journal:
Here’s ADL head Abe Foxman in the Boston Globe:
Quick, everybody, look for the bomb shelters, the one-staters are coming demanding equal rights for both Jews and Palestinians. What a shocking idea.
A key aspect in this debate is BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against Israel, a peaceful and legitimate tactic to isolate Israel until it adheres to international law. It takes The Magnes Zionist, an Orthodox Jew living in Israel (and a contributor to a forthcoming book I’ve co-edited, After Zionism), to understand the essential BDS message:
What’s some dead Iranians for the sake of helping Zionism?Posted: 29 Feb 2012Words fail: