What you need to know about the Afghan war and aren’t afraid to ask
Civil strife serious possibility in PNG due to vulture capitalism
Post Gaddafi Libya for North Koreans
The tortured method of Murdoch’s British empire uncovering its crimes
One day soon Haaretz may realise that 2 state solution will never happen
What you need to know about the Afghan war and aren’t afraid to askPosted: 16 Feb 2012With the war in Afghanistan an unmitigated clusterfuck, it’s remarkable still how many voices in the corporate press talk about goals, achievements and possibilities (usually given by anonymous “officials”).
Hastings speaks about this on Democracy Now! yesterday. |
Civil strife serious possibility in PNG due to vulture capitalismPosted: 15 Feb 2012My following investigation appears in Crikey today:
Post Gaddafi Libya for North KoreansPosted: 15 Feb 2012My friend Yaara Bou-Melhem on Al-Jazeera tells the story of Asian migrant workers: |
The tortured method of Murdoch’s British empire uncovering its crimesPosted: 15 Feb 2012Columbia Journalism Review ask the right questions about this murky investigation:
One day soon Haaretz may realise that 2 state solution will never happenPosted: 15 Feb 2012Long ago, in the mind of many Israelis, the supposed separation between Israel and the occupied territories disappeared. The paper’s editorial: