Private companies doing rather well in anti-immigration wave moving across world
Jews have a choice over Palestine and silence equals complicity
Breaking news; Afghan Hazaras are human beings still being oppressed in their country
30 years of “peace” between Egypt and Israel a sham
Privacy and censorship in the online world are foreign concepts?
Tamil women still suffering in “peaceful” Sri Lanka
Private companies doing rather well in anti-immigration wave moving across worldPosted: 21 Aug 2011Disaster capitalists look for ways to make money from misery, crisis or fear.
Jews have a choice over Palestine and silence equals complicityPosted: 20 Aug 2011Roger Cohen has been writing in the New York Times for some time about the responsibility of Jews not to remain silent in the face of Zionist occupation and violence. It’s a rare voice in the American mainstream.
Breaking news; Afghan Hazaras are human beings still being oppressed in their countryPosted: 20 Aug 2011I’ve just received this message from a refugee activist in Perth, Western Australia. It’s a release from the Coordination of Hazara Refugees in Curtin immigration detention centre, a remote camp away from public view.
30 years of “peace” between Egypt and Israel a shamPosted: 20 Aug 2011History is turning and proves that when a dictatorship makes “peace” with a Zionist state it breeds nothing more than resentment:
Privacy and censorship in the online world are foreign concepts?Posted: 20 Aug 2011I was recently spoke in Sydney at the University of New South Wales at the conference of the Australian Law Students’ Association on the issues of privacy and censorship in Australia and globally. Here’s extracts from that event (though my comments here are very brief and rest assured I said many other things, including citizens treating web companies such as Google with necessary caution, as their influence in the corners of the globe often involves complicity with repressive regimes): |
Tamil women still suffering in “peaceful” Sri LankaPosted: 20 Aug 2011