David Mamet tells Christian fundamentalist about Jewish “self-hatred”
US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDS
MSM logic over terrorism; blame Muslims and then blame them again
Curb Your Enthusiasm does Palestine and falls way short
Was Murdoch also given the nuclear codes?
David Mamet tells Christian fundamentalist about Jewish “self-hatred”Posted: 27 Jul 2011This is what Zionism has done to my people. |
US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDSPosted: 27 Jul 2011The fact that such a figure can create such hysteria about BDS shows how effective it has become. And why? Because Zionism is addicted to occupation and oppressing Palestinians. That’s rather hard to defend, if the facts are actually heard.
MSM logic over terrorism; blame Muslims and then blame them againPosted: 26 Jul 2011 |
Curb Your Enthusiasm does Palestine and falls way shortPosted: 26 Jul 2011Is it possible for even liberal Jews on mainstream American TV to not frame Arabs and Palestinians as all anti-Semites? |
Was Murdoch also given the nuclear codes?Posted: 26 Jul 2011Here in Australia, we need to know when our political leaders met key figures in the Murdoch empire (and other media players) andwhy they met: