“MuzzleWatch“ – 1 new article
UC Santa Cruz cancels Israeli speakers. Israeli Consulate Outraged-not!Here’s the short version. An April 20 talk by Palestinian and Jewish Israeli citizens on the cost of war and Israeli militarism is canceled at the last minute by UC Santa Cruz administration after some 90 Jewish students protest and 2 faculty write hard-hitting letter comparing proposed talk to hanging a noose to intimidate African American students. Talk organizer finds alternative venue anyway, but Israeli peace group co-sponsoring talk gets really ticked off and writes even harder-hitting letter to faculty and students. Anti-Defamation League, Israeli Consul General say nothing about Israeli citizens being banned from a University of California (UC) campus.
And now, all the original documents. from Scott Kennedy, speaking tour organizer and peace activist
And the complain letter from the Benjamins:
And finally, from New Profile:
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