120 thousand Palestinians arrested since Oslo


Palestine Mahtlh- Quds News : carried out the Israeli occupation authorities, more than 120 thousand cases of arrest, since the signing of the Oslo agreement on the thirteenth of September 1993 / September.

The director of the website “ Palestine behind bars’ ‘specialized in prisoners’ affairs, Abdel Nasser Farwana, in a press statement, that the occupation authorities have taken the arrests as a policy and adopted a consistent approach and behavior since its occupation of the Palestinian territories, and used them as a means of punishment and revenge, and sometimes humiliation and humiliation or pressure and extortion.

He pointed out that the policy of arrests has become an essential part of the methodology of the occupation in the control of the Palestinian people, has become the most repressive and oppressive and devastating means of Palestinian society.

He pointed out that the arrests of the occupation authorities, the Palestinians did not stop one day despite the signing of the agreement “Oslo”, where the occupation authorities opened many prisons and detention centers to accommodate these large numbers of detainees.

The arrests have been going on since Oslo, meanwhile, where the period from 1993-2000 witnessed a marked decline, while it rose and rose significantly with the outbreak of the “Al-Aqsa Intifada” in 2000.

He pointed out that these arrests were not limited to a specific category or segment, but affected all categories and segments of Palestinian society, and from all Palestinian territories, where since the signing of the agreement recorded (2000) girls and women, and about (17500) children.

More than half of the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, ministers, hundreds of academics, journalists, civil society organizations and international institutions were arrested after Oslo.

He pointed out that there is an abhorrent correlation between arrests and torture, as all Palestinians who have experienced detention during the period under review have been subjected to at least one form of physical or psychological torture, moral abuse and cruel treatment.

He explained that the repression, torture and disregard for the lives of detainees doubled in recent years, and that more than twenty laws targeted prisoners discussed and approved by the Israeli Knesset.

107 prisoners were martyred after the arrest, since the signing of “Oslo”, as a result of torture, murder and medical negligence, the last of which was the sick prisoner Bassam Sayeh.

Despite shocking figures regarding the arrests, more than 13,000 Palestinian and Arab prisoners have been released as part of the “peace process” since the signing of the Oslo Accords. Hundreds have been serving life sentences and many have been sentenced to life imprisonment. They have been in detention for many years.

The Israeli occupation forces continue to hold some 5,700 prisoners, including 220 children, 38 prisoners and 500 administrative detainees.

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