Zionists seek to abuse US UNHRC place: Analyst

Interview with Mark Dankof, political commentator, San Antonio
Israel is simply using the United States to buy what it wants in terms of a carte blanche in the Middle East and in Palestine and in Gaza specifically.”
An analyst tells Press TV that the Zionist lobby inside America will utilize the US position in the United Nations Human Rights Council to “buy Carte Blanche” in the Middle East region.
The United States has been admitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council despite its numerous violations of human rights such as conducting deadly drone strikes in various countries and its unabated support of the Israeli regime’s war crimes. Meanwhile, the United States has again voiced its support for Israel’s violations of human rights after being reelected to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for another three-year term.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Mr. Dankof before I get into the issue of the US support for Israel with regards to the story, let us touch on the drone warfare of Obama.
Getting into the UN Human Rights Council is the best thing that could possibly happen for Obama to ensure that he can continue with this drone warfare without criticism, without any real opposition?
Dankof: Well, that is exactly right and I think what you have is a situation where once again Barack Obama is doing things no differently than Romney would do them when it comes to these drone strikes and no differently than what George W. Bush and Dick Cheney would have done.
So the whole thing is a very tragic joke and of course the losers are the innocent people who are being killed underneath these drone strikes.
Press TV: It is quite disturbing as far as the UN structure goes, not just the General Assembly and the Security Council but different organs of the UN, where one country can buy influence, it can buy policy.
Does not that call for greater attention to be paid by member states to work forward in light of some reformation of this process?
Dankof: Well, it appears to me that the United States is, as obviously as we know, co-opted by the Israeli lobby, so is the United Nations and Israel is simply using the United States to buy what it wants in terms of a carte blanche in the Middle East and in Palestine and in Gaza specifically.

I mean after all Israel can take up its options anytime that it wants, the American public is paying no attention to the fact that the scandal that involved General David Petraeus comes out only after the General had told Congress that Israel was a strategic liability in the Middle East and subsequently the General found himself being attacked by Abe [Abraham] Foxman and the anti-defamation league and the Israeli lobby for making those statements.

It then comes out that Paula Broadwell [the woman said to have had an extramarital affair with former CIA Director David Petraeus] is a Jewish. When she was at West Point she was involved in a special cadet exchange program with Israel.
She has all kinds of professional connections to the project for the New American Century crowd and finally we learned today that the unknown whistleblower, who serviced whole process of revelation of this Petraeus matter, did so through representative Eric candor of Virginia, who is clearly an Israeli asset on the House of Representatives.
So whether it is the UN …
Press TV: Indeed. So we are going to see now as Israel gets an ally in the UN Human Rights Council, is that it is going to continue to bombard the besieged costal exclave of Gaza. It is using internationally-banned weapons according to sources there.
It will continue to expand its settlement activities and build that illegal barrier in the West Bank?

Well, that is exactly right. That is exactly what is going on and it is going on with American money and American political support just as the irony is not lost on any reasonable person in the world that Israel has all these nuclear weapons and biological weapons and chemical weapons and it is threatening to preemptively attack Iran, which is not a nuclear power and which does not threaten anyone in the world.

So this is the way that it is and it is a disgrace and it is a tragedy and I am frankly ashamed of my own country as associated with a stuff like this but it is and it is an embarrassment to any decent thinking American who is watching this travesty unfold.

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