Zionists masterminded, co-plotted 9/11 attacks: Analyst

Interview with Mark Dankof, political commentator, from San Antonio

I believe that that is the case and that if people look at this a little bit more closely, they will discover that Israel had the motive, they had the means, they had the opportunity, they had the money, they had the resources, they had the inside contacts and they had the people in the American media and the American government to cover it up for them after the fact.”

US President Barack Obama has signed a proclamation, designating the anniversary of the September 11 attacks as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.

In December 2001, the US Congress designated the anniversary of the attacks as Patriot Day. In April 2009, Congress requested the observance of the anniversary as an annually recognized National Day of Service and Remembrance.
Nearly 3,000 people died during the attacks on September 11, 2001, including two planes crashing into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Both towers collapsed within two hours.
However, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the attacks, and many believe that the whole incident was an inside job, designed to justify subsequent US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Press TV has conducted an interview with political commentator Mark Dankof to further elaborate on the issue at hand.
The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: The US foreign policy and its approach to its national security has centered upon playing on the American’s emotions with regards to the events of 9/11.
Let’s just take a look at Guantanamo right now, there are prisoners languishing there without charge, without trial, without even representation and the death toll now comes as nine over there.
Is this yet another move by Obama now to continue with the same strategy as well as a campaign move to declare this day “Patriot Day”?
Dankof: I think that is absolutely what Barack Obama’s motive is, as both he and Mitt Romney seem to compete for the Zionist vote and for the Zionist money in this election.

The fact of the matter is that when you look at Barack Obama, he has continued the same trend as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and that is that since September 11th, 2001, we have seen in the United States the erection of the greatest police state that this country has ever known.

We have reached a point where a Democratic president is using his Justice Department to argue that he has the legal and constitutional authority to order the targeted assassinations of Americans that he believes are terrorists or that he believes are working with terrorist organizations, “this is apart from legal charges, this is apart from legal defense, this is apart from the rule of law or the constitutional bill of rights.”
Guantanamo is just the tip of the iceberg.
Press TV: Also, there have been numerous calls from all quarters in the US for a reinvestigation of what actually happened on September 11th. But considering how the government line has furthered US hegemonic interest over the world, is that likely to happen?
Dankof: It is not going to happen because the people who perpetrated this are the same people who control the news media and have a disproportionate influence in American foreign policy through various think tanks and so forth, that are aligned with the nation of Israel.
I’ll simply quote Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a professor of the US War College, who stated unequivocally that “9/11 was an Israeli Mossad [Zionist regime’s spy agency] inside operation from start to finish — one hundred percent. Period.”

I believe that that is the case and that if people look at this a little bit more closely, they will discover that Israel had the motive, they had the means, they had the opportunity, they had the money, they had the resources, they had the inside contacts and they had the people in the American media and the American government to cover it up for them after the fact.

Press TV: By declaring this day a day of ‘National Day of Service and Remembrance’ and ‘Patriots Day’, do you think Obama is sort of moving in the direction of calling anyone who calls to question the events of 9/11, the general narrative of 9/11, into question as an unpatriotic, un-American person?
Dankof: There is no question about it. To put this into perspective, my own father, my late father was the United State’s Air Force colonel; my particular case, I am historically a Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul Republican, it has been suggested in many neoconservative circles that I am some sort of a subversive, that I am somehow un-American because I question the official version.
I basically agree with Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski who is running for Congress this year, who stated unequivocally that when one questions 9/11, one is seen or is defined as a revolutionary, when in fact I agree with colonel Kwiatkowski that, in fact, to question the official report is to be fundamentally American in using independent judgment, utilizing data, utilizing freedom of thought to weigh and consider.
And as I have weighed and considered the evidence, I agree with what it is that Dr. Alan Sabrosky has said, ‘this was an Israeli operation from start to finish just as the [David] Luban affair was, just as Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty was on June 8th, 1967, just as their involvement in the Pollard spy case and these other spy cases against the United States was designed to steal this country blind while continuing to use Zionist politicians in the United Sates to articulate the line to a Zionist-run news media and subsequently to millions of Americans that Israel is “America’s chief and only ally in the Middle East.”

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