ZIONIST WAR CRIMINAL …. Oliver North: Strike on Iran's Nuke Facilities 'Only Option'

North, who just returned from a trip to the Middle East, also says the conflict in Syria looms as a strategic disaster for the United States and its allies, warns that the appointment of Chuck Hagel as secretary of Defense would be a “formula for disaster,” and cautions that cutting defense spending will make the nation more vulnerable to “serious adversaries.” Asked if Syria could become a strategic disaster threatening Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, and other nations in the region, North responds: “It could happen tomorrow. Consider that they’ve got scud missiles. They’ve got replenished missiles from Russia. They’ve got a major Russian naval base on the coast of Syria. And they’ve now got chemical weapons being mixed that can only be used for a 60-day period. It does not bode well for the people of Syria or our allies in the region.”

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