Zionist Rat Katie Hopkins ‘Tweets Palestinians Are Filthy Rodents’

look in the mirror you filthy rodent
Zionist Rat Katie Hopkins

Even by the normal standards of dirty Zionist  Katie Hopkins, her latest rants are quite something.

The unofficial winner of Rent-A-Gob 2013/14 appears to have posted a series of tweets accusing Muslim men of being wife-beaters and calling Palestinians “filthy rodents”


Father beats his daughter with an iron bar. But he is a good Muslim, prays in his cell & attends the mosque. So that’s all happy days then.

Palestinians busy knifing Israelis. 2 state solution my arse. Filthy rodents burrowing beneath Israel. Time to restart the bombing campaign

Absolutely disgusted by Katie Hopkins’ Islamophobic tweets. Anyone with any sense would distance themselves from her sickening comments.

It’s not clear if Hopkins posted the comments herself or if her account was hacked but they remain on her timeline at the time of writing.

If Katie Hopkins’ account was hacked why has she not said so on here?No apology,the offensive tweets are still there.Difficult to believe.

They appear to be in response to the wave of violence that has swept Israel and the Occupied territories in the last week in which a number of Israelis have been killed and injured in stabbing attacks and hit and runs.

Another tweet was in reference to a Channel 4 show, ’24 Hours in Police Custody’.

The police are singing from the same hymn sheet. Mohammed is going DAAAAAAAN. Allahu Akbar.

Allah doesn’t guide me. He is not a dog and I am not blind. I see that all religion is evil https://twitter.com/fxmizzle/status/531940770459422720 …

Some have called for the former Apprentice contestant to face criminal charges.

When someone jokes about bombing Robin Hood airport they get arrested, Katie Hopkins advocates bombing Gaza… over to you @metpoliceuk

@KTHopkins I hope the @metpoliceuk and @david_cameron have taken notice of this. Most would get arrested for inciting such racial hatred.

If internet trolls are now facing prosecution and jail time, where does Katie Hopkins still walk free?

As if all that wasn’t enough Hopkins also had a pop at Band Aid which it was recently announced would be revived for its 30th anniversary.


But say a prayer, Pray for the other ones, At Christmastime it’s hard, when you’re bleeding from the bum totes inappropes


Hopkins appears to be unfazed by the whole incident and by Wednesday morning was back at it tweeting her support for Dapper Laughs and Ched Evans.


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Well done. You clicked yes on a petition. And spoiled the fun for those making a different choice. Bland is not good

Ched doesn’t want to be a role model. He wants to be a footballer. If YOU need to resign to show you disapprove (are jealous) – crack on.

And so the backlash continued…



is so rancid she makes swimming in sewage attractive by comparison.

Katie Hopkins has gone too far now time to shut up you stupid woman!

Can not believe how vile & disgusting of a human being Katie Hopkins is! She is just a troll! Making such ignorant and uneducated comments!


I think someone should put a muzzle on Katie Hopkins

Racist Zionist Katie Hopkins’ Most Controversial Quotes

Children are named according to their parents intelligence. They are a social marker, an indicator of vocab, manners, ability, respect.
– Katie Hopkins
Amir Khan

So calling innocent babies killed by Israeli fighter jets as Rodents is perfectly fine and cool. I expect that from somebody like you who glorifies British militarism and imperialism, for you oppressing somebody and mass murder is cool and courageous.
 12 November at 09:33
Amir Khan

She is white, upper class, wealthy and has probably many powerful friends, she is born into privilege like many white folks are in Britain, nothing will happen to her, as you can see how the public have reacted by supporting her to bomb babies in Palestine because they are rodents…had she been a brown women, with a Islamic name, had same social status and celeb status and said same things about Lee Rigby’s family as rodents or British army, her home would have been raided within half an hour. When a White bloke from the British army bombs a hospital in Libya, or tortures an Iraqi citizen under detention, you guys consider him as a hero, so what kind of public is the British public, don’t be amazed, the pitch forks are ready in hand, it won’t be long before they will blame everything on some minority and attack them as they infamously do in their whole British history…But Muslims never learn their lesson…always running to uncle tom and asking him to do your home work. as minorities we need to keep our heads down, study and work hard and always remember when anything happens they will (White people) blame us for everything and we must be quite well off to counter it.
Sally Anne Hamath

Amir Khan, I feel sympathy for you but your generalisation is not called for. There were millions in UK and USA demonstrating against the killings in Iraq, and they were mostly white, upper class and wealthy. Killing of the innocent is wrong in any language, religion or by anyone black or white, and must be condemned.
12 November at 10:12