Richard Haas, president of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations think tank, rejected the idea – suggested by Russia – that a Western attack on Syria would need U.N. approval.“The U.N. Security Council is not the sole or unique custodian about what is legal and what is legitimate, and, as many have pointed out, it was bypassed at the time of Kosovo,” he told reporters in a conference call.“To say only the U.N. Security Council can make something legitimate seems to me to be a position that cannot be supported because it would allow in this case a country like Russia to be the arbiter of international law and, more broadly, international relations,” Haas said.Legitimacy for a strike on Syria, Haas said, could come from a “coalition of the willing” of individual countries that support retaliation against Assad to demonstrate that the use of weapons of mass destruction will not be tolerated.[[[[That coalition could include Arab countries and have formal backing from NATO or other institutions, he said.]]]]
Posted by Nysoulcontrolla aka Ali