Zionist puppet European Union embassy in illegally occupied Palestine 1948 ‘Tel Aviv’ has removed from its Facebook page an official EU promotional video featuring Nazi Avishai Ivri, Jewish “comedian” who incites genocidal levels of violence against Palestinians.
This came a day after The Electronic Intifada published an exposé of Nazi Ivri’s long record of extreme anti-Palestinian racism.
In posts on Twitter, Nazi Ivri has called on the Nazi regime to kill “1,000 Arabs” for every Israeli who dies in conflict-related violence and has urged that Israel “wipe out Gaza.”
He denies the existence of Palestinians as a people and has urged the Nazi regime to expel them so it can become the “sovereign” in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
“We decided to stop promoting a video on EU-Israel cooperation,” the EU embassy stated on Twitter on Friday. “We want no doubts that anything we do promotes the values the EU stands for.”…