Zionist Lobby and American Policy Issue Now Available: Order Extras


The May 2018 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs will soon arrive in subscribers’ mailboxes and local bookstores! This issue is devoted to proceedings from an extraordinary conference held at the National Press Club on March 2, 2018: “The Israel Lobby and American Policy.”

May 2018 Cover.
Once again this year—and just two days before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) held its annual policy conference—the Washington Report and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) gathered expert speakers to analyze the enormous impact Israel’s lobby has on Congress, the United Nations, federal government agencies, mainstream media, academia, evangelical churches and other major institutions. Hurricane-force winds closed down the federal government and local schools, but they couldn’t stop the audience and speakers from packing the ballroom and balconies.
While the mainstream media once again declined our invitations to cover the conference, millions of Americans were able to watch via C-SPAN2, which covered all eight hours of the program live. C-SPAN replayed segments of our conference in between its live coverage of the AIPAC conference, offering important balance the media often fails to provide.
Even if you were there you’ll find these transcripts published in the May issue of the Washington Report valuable to review. You’ll have the opportunity to purchase books by conference speakers. Every copy of this issue also includes a special edition of “Other Voices,” usually only available to subscribers for an additional $15 a year. You’ll also see pro-Israel PAC contributions to 2018 Congressional candidates.
Growing numbers of Americans, especially young people, are questioning the corrupting role of lobbies on our political systems. Kids are telling leaders who take lobby money that their time is up. Please help us get this special issue into the hands of Americans who are finally beginning to see the harmful effect Israel’s undue influence has on our country:

  • Call (888) 881-5861 or e-mail [email protected] to give a gift subscription or subscribe to the Washington Report;
  • E-mail [email protected] with the names and addresses of people who should read this special issue or subscribe to the magazine;
  • Ask for multiple copies to hand out at your local event (donations to cover shipping and printing are welcome, but not required). E-mail your street address, date of your event (please give us 10 days’ notice) and the number of copies you need to: [email protected];
  • Purchase a three-DVD set for only $15 from the 2014, 2015 and 2016 conferences—we no longer offer DVDs from later conferences. Order online: https://www.middleeastbooks.com/products/conference-dvd-bundle-special !
  • Please donate and support the Washington Report (https://www.wrmea.org/wc96) and IRmep (https://www.irmep.org). This crucial topic doesn’t attract giant grants, advertising dollars, tenure offers, or talking-head contracts on network TV. But thanks to growing public outrage surrounding election campaign contributions and foreign influence on elections, it finally is possible to criticize the influence of the Israel lobby. Numbers count—the more people who view and share these talks the more we can show the Israel lobby and policymakers that business as usual is no longer acceptable.

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