by Arthur Topham
“Someday, someone, somewhere, is going to break that silence and only then will we begin to hear the sounds of balanced media coverage finally rising above what Solzhenitsyn described as “the incessant dinning of slogans and dogmas that abolish the human essence and deny all individuality to man.” Then, and only then, will the silence of the wolves begin to disperse as the clear light of a new day of freedom of speech dawns for all Canadians.”
Early beginnings
It’s been ongoing since the day I first openly criticized the Zionist Jews and their political dogma or ideology known as Zionism. That was back during the heady last days of the 20th Century when I was publishing my monthly hard copy edition of The Radical, an alternative tabloid which ran for forty-two consecutive editions ending in June of 2002.
Throughout most of my tenure as Publisher and Editor of The Radical I was basically ignorant of the Zionist agenda and didn’t begin to clue into what it was all about until after reading the writings of the Jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky, in particular his account of the Middle East situation contained in his book, The Fateful Triangle – Israel, the United States, and the Palestinians. After digesting Chomsky’s account of Israel and who is controlling it and its ideological base I began to pay more and more attention to this issue as time went on.
Of course being a radical alternative publisher with an eclectic sense of what is news and what is b.s. I soon attracted a lot of unwanted attention from what one might call the “Left” in Canada’s political circles. At first it was rather odd as I had always thought of myself as a lefty. My father had been a strong supporter of both the CCF and the NDP throughout most of his life and my paternal grandfather had actually been a good friend of Tommy Douglas’s back when Tommy was still working as a minister of the church in Saskatchewan back in the 1930s.
Anyhow, Canadian Dimension magazine at one point did a major smear edition on myself, The Radical and another alternative newspaper back in January of 2001 that finally established the fact that the so-called “Left” in Canada was in fact riddled with people who were died in the wool Marxists and Communists and stalwart supporters of Zionism and the Jewish state of Israel. Anyone else in the movement who wasn’t was labelled “right wing” or an “anti-Semite” or some other unsavoury epithet.
It was at this period of my life that I first met Paul Fromm, the feisty spokesperson for the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) and began publishing occasional articles that he had penned. I was also covering the whole issue with Wiebo Ludwig and his Trickle Creek Christian Community and their ongoing battles with the Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta and publishing the early writings of controversial speaker and author David Icke.
Those familiar with David Icke will likely be aware that he too was attacked and smeared by this same chronic complainer Richard Warman who has been attacking me and my website since at least 2007. David still has articles on Warman posted on his website .
NDP government takes Radical Press to court
Eventually I ended up in B.C.Supreme Court in 2002 after exposing the dubious character of a former NDP MLA appointed by the Dosanjh government who had been given the portfolio for the Ministry of Children and Families all the while staving off continuous allegation by his many detractors that he had been involved in drug running, child pornography and worse. This same individual is now the Chief Red Apple for the First Nations Summit here in British Columbia and his name is Edward John.
The Dosanjh government hired a good Jewish lawyer, Marvin Storrow to defend him and I ended up acting on my own behalf in pro ce fashion defending my newspaper and my right to publish. Poor Marvin of course was former PM Trudeau’s appointed council during the APEC fiasco in Vancouver and ended up being outed by the Raging Grannies who spotted him attending a Liberal fundraiser while attempting to act impartially in dealing with all the protesters who had been beaten and pepper sprayed while protesting the visit to Vancouver by Indonesia’s infamous war criminal Suharto who Trudeau lauded as some sort of admirable dignitary.
Eventually it became too onerous and expensive to publish my tabloid and I switched to the Internet in 2002 and carried on until my website was sabotaged by the Zionist sayannim who are everywhere on the net and throughout the media and the assorted political organizations throughout the country.
That is why today when you visit my website you will find that the articles begin in June of 2006.
B’nai Brith Canada: The root of the issue
That short synopsis said let me now proceed to the root of this issue that I am facing today, the significant and overt attack against my publishing business and my person by the world’s foremost Zionist Jew lobby organization known as B’nai Brith International.
As I’ve said before most Canadians see this organization as a benevolent society whose main purpose is to look after little old Jewish widows and raise money for the needy, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth! For all the suave rhetoric from its many spokespersons such as Anita Bromberg of B’nai Brith Canada one would certainly get this impression of B’nai Brith as nothing more than the image projected by the Zionist media which works in direct tandem with BBC (B’nai Brith Canada).
But what they don’t tell you is that every nation in the western world has a branch or tentacle formed out of the Mother plant known as B’nai Brith International which is a Jews-only masonic order first established back in the mid 1840s in the USA and that Mother was the creation of the Rothschild dynasty that now controls global finance, the global media, global “International” organizations like the UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and dozens upon dozens of other affiliated organizations whose main purpose is to maintain the House of Rothschild and the control of the world’s money supply; for without that ill-gained ability to manifest money out of thin air and then lend it to the governments of the world at exorbitant interest rates (Usury), the whole fabric of the Zionist curtain would quickly disintegrate before the eyes of the world and like the Wizard of Oz the public would suddenly realize just who was behind all of the financial troubles, endless wars and incessant woes and miseries facing the world today.
B’nai Brith Canada first attacked me and my publishing business back in November of 2007 when its B.C. representative Harry Abrams filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission alleging the following:
“This concerns a complaint filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission seeking relief for discriminatory publication under prohibited grounds caught by Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.”
That is the story which the Zionist media is now making reference to in their one-sided portrayal of what the issue truly was about. For those readers who wish to review the whole of that tale of Zionist malfeasance I would ask that you go look at the following Reference Guide to the B’nai Brith v Radical Press Complaint case to see the extent of this chronology of subterfuge on the part of this little old benevolent society. That first attack only ended (possibly temporarily) on June 7th of this year when the Harper government voted to toss out the notorious Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act that the Zionists were using to the max to shut down any and all critics of Israel or the Zionist ideology.
Knowing that Sec. 13 was fated to fade away from their power hungry hands B’nai Brith Canada then decided that they would pick up a new club with which to beat their opponents into oblivion and chose instead Sec. 319(2) of the Canadian Criminal Code. Again, using the same serial sidewinders, Richard Warman and Harry Abrams, they filed this latest charge against me alleging once again that I and my website are promoting hatred toward (not Jews per se) but “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin”.
Attempting to use the Canadian law courts instead of the shady likes of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and its Tribunal system which work fundamentally in the same manner as the Soviet Stalinist Show Trials of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s did, was a risk that B’nai Brith Canada was now forced to take if they wanted to carry on with their harassment and vilification of those Canadians who wish to exercise their Charter of Rights and Freedomsand write about the truth as they see it.
The outcome of their desire to control the Internet here in Canada may well depend on how they are able to prosecute this case against me. If they are successful in gaining a guilty verdict then that will be the final nail in the coffin for freedom of speech here in Canada and anyone else who attempts to criticize the Zionist elephant that is now sitting in the living room of every Canadian household across the country will receive the same treatment that these power crazed psychopaths are now attempting to mete out to me and my publishing business
The Smear Campaign Today
And now to the gist of their present smear campaign against The Radical Press. It has always been the modus operandi of the Zionists, when attacking their critics, to first malign and vilify them using the vast resources contained in their media monopoly which includes the majority of Canada’s mainstream newspapers and television news stations, etc. It’s their first overt strike and is akin to their same warfare techniques where they pull off what they call “preemptive” strikes against their perceived enemy and attack without any direct provocation and destroy the infrastructure and communications systems of their victim before sending in the ground troops.
We’ve saw this happen in Egypt during the 1967 war, then in Iraq in 2003 and lately in Libya where they pulled the same stunt using all of their Zionist-controlled UN sycophants and their media including their Zionist-run orgs like Avaaz, to divert and confuse the attention of the general public.
That is what they are now attempting to do to me: create this massive deception that I am some sort of bonker, crazed, hate mongering, lunatic fringe (they haven’t started with the ‘dope-smoking hippie’ yet), placer miner living out in the backwoods of the Cariboo who doesn’t know diddley squat about how the world really is run but is just out there in cyberspace spewing forth all his neo-Nazi, Jew-hating, anti-Semitic venom in order to incite the public to rise up and perform another great pogrom against the poor downtrodden and victimized Jews of Canada and the world!
Then (when they figure they’ve established this massive lie in the minds of as many gullible Canadians as possible) they will begin their court trial and ship in all their carefully selected “expert witnesses” to testify that all of my information is somehow incorrect and that Eustice Mullins was a notorious “anti-Semite” and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is really just a forgery as everyone who was brought up in a Zionist controlled culture obviously knows.
Contrary to this programmed reaction to their lies though are the wise words of that famous poet and activist Ezra Pound once said about this road map for the 20th Century:
“If or when one mentions the Protocols, alleged to be of the Elders of Zion, one is frequently met with the reply: Oh, but they are a forgery! Certainly they are a forgery, and that is the one proof we have of their authenticity. The Jews have worked with forged documents for the past 24 hundred years, namely ever since they have had any documents whatsoever. And no one can qualify as a historian of this half century without having examined the Protocols.
… What we know for certain is that they were published [in English] two decades ago. [In the early 1920’s. Ed.] That Lord Sydenham wrote a preface to them. That their content has been traced to another sketch said to have appeared in the eighteen forties. The interest in them does not lie in [the] question of their having been, or not been concocted by a legislative assembly of Rabbis, democratically elected, or secretly chosen by the Mysterious Order of the Seven Branched Antlers or the Bowling Society of Milwaukee. Their interest lies in the type of mind, or the state of mind of their authors.
… What is interesting, perhaps most, to the historian is their definite campaign against history altogether, their declared intention to blot out the classics, to blot out the record, and to dazzle men with talk of tomorrow.”
As I said this is just the gist of what they are now planning to do. Time will reveal all of this in the days ahead.
My primary concern
I have discussed this at length with my lawyer Doug Christie and he has assured me that under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and GIVEN THE FACT that I have not been convicted of these phoney charges, that the court cannot legally prevent me from writing and posting on my website or sending articles to other sites. While I believe this to be true nonetheless that is precisely what Det -Cst Terry Wilson pulled off when I was arrested back on May 16, 2012. Prior to releasing me from jail he gave me an Order stating that I was not to browse the Internet or write any emails to anyone who was not directly associated with my placer mining business. That pile of legal(?) horse feathers held sway over my freedom of speech and expression right up until October 9th, 2012 when my first “Appearance” in court was due to happen but the Crown still hadn’t got their act together to formally charge me. That is when the Order ceased.
B’nai Brith Canada, the RCMP, the Zionist Media and the Crown all know that the only stone I have left in my sling is the freedom to defend myself against this Zionist Goliath that is now openly wielding its censorship spear in my face by using my right to publish my side of the story on my website. Without that right the ensuing struggle will remain a Stalinist side-show of the Zionist controlled media and the general public, as usual, will receive a slanted, biased tale; one told by an idiot, signifying nothing but the reality that Canada is under full domination by a foreign and deadly enemy.
May God guide and protect those of us who will be battling this dark and evil entity called Zionism!
Arthur Topham
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″