Does anyone know anything about this Peace Olive Oil sold by Card Aid

You can read about the charitable claims of Peace Oil on their website here – http://www.peaceoil.org/

They claim that profits from Peace Oil® are used to support peace and reconciliation work in the Middle East. One of our members is a member of IMRI (Interfaith group for Morally Responsible Investment). They asked Card Aid where these profits went to in Palestine and were given the answer “Slimming Clubs in Gaza”.
According to wikipedia the product was launched at an Israel Expo Day organised by

the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, which promoted it as a way “to

support Israel’s vibrant trade…to make a difference to the actual future of Israel.” There is some speculation that it may have been launched to compete/undermine Zaytoun Olive Oil.
As you can see from their website, Card Aid shops are mainly in London but thy also have shops in Cambridge, Oxford, Bromley, and Guildford –
where we are based.  A number of us have emailed the church but we are yet to receive a receive a response. My understanding the church receives income from Card Aid for stocking the oil.
I am curious to know if anyone, particularly in London or Oxford, has
come across this product.

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