There is little-known point that Zionist state of ‘Israel’ had a secret agenda vis-�-vis Islamic fundamentalist groups such as Hamas, that the Zionist had a long, well-documented history of propping up Islamic fundamentalism (including terrorist organizations) for its own purposes.
According to the Post on January 7, 2009, the newspaper’s foreign correspondent Glenn Kessler revealed: “In the 1980s . . . the Israeli government decided to weaken the secular Fatah movement headed by Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] Chairman Yasser Arafat by promoting the rise of Islamic parties as a counterweight, on the theory that Islamic groups would not have the same nationalistic impulses. So Fatah’s social networks were dismantled by the Israeli government, but it went easy on Islamic charitable networks. This decision fueled the rise of Hamas as a political force, with its network of health clinics and social services that far exceeded the abilities of the often-corrupt Fatah movement”. .
The Zionist regime now wants to make a peace deal with puppet Mahmoud Ab-ass, the Palestinian authority president who heads Fatah but has no control over Gaza. So one of the Zionist aims in Gaza today is to weaken Hamas enough that it can no longer be a political rival to Fatah in Gaza—the opposite of what the Zionist hoped to achieve decades ago with its efforts to encourage the rise of Islamic groups.
Zionist regime saw Hamas in its earliest days as a counter-balance against any Palestinian moves for peace. In other words, as long as Hamas had enough influence, it might prevent the peace process with the secular Palestinian statesman Yasser Arafat from going forward.Sadly many people do not understand why the Zionist would not want peace; this policy will serve at least three purposes: 1) preserving internal conflict within the Palestinian movement; 2) Giving the Zio-Nazi regime the opportunity to claim that the peace process could not go forward because “Arafat and the PLO control the extremist elements” and 3) Perpetuating overall Middle East conflict, which has always been Zionist’s motivation, preferring to see its Arab neighbours divided—quarrelling with one another.
All of this is not to suggest that Hamas is somehow a secret “tool” of Zionism as some people have suggested. In fact, Hamas clearly captured the support of many Palestinians who do not necessarily share Hamas’ Islamic focus. And after Hamas won a democratic election in taking control of the Palestinian Authority in 2002, the Zionist regime saw the proverbial “blowback.” Zionist Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was vowing to fight “Palestinian terror” and declaring Hamas as “the deadliest terrorist group that we have ever had to face,” “Sharon left something out.” That “something,” was that while Zionist army and Hamas were then currently locked in deadly combat, “according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.”Also we most notice that Hamas was actually legally registered as an Islamic social and religious entity in Gaza in 1978 according to U.S. administration officials funding for Hamas came from not just the oil-producing Arab states but“directly and indirectly from the Zionist regime.” An unnamed former senior CIA official saying that Zionist’s support for Hamas “was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative.” I believe that the Zionist regime“aided Hamas directly—they wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO.” Then, when the PLO moved its base of operations to Beirut, Hamas began growing in influence in the occupied Gaza and West Bank. All of these elements converged at exactly the time when Zionist was funding Hamas. However, even the growing strength and independence of Hamas did not deter the Zionist’s from supporting them. A U.S. government official—who asked not to be named—said that“The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place. Israel would still be the only democracy in the region for the U.S. to deal with.” In other words, the Zionist regime wanted to prop up and promote Hamas as a means of undermining the influence of Arafat and the PLO and thereby disrupting the very real peace initiatives being made by Arafat. They wanted an unending state of war in order to be able to continue to justify its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and—inevitably—expand Zionist’s borders into what is known as “Greater Israel.”Thus, the Zionist’s sponsored—as they soon discovered—a movement that quickly grew out of control. Although the Zionist sought to manipulate Hamas from within—penetrating it with spies—independent-minded Hamas leaders weeded out collaborators. Hamas thus became a self-sustaining, popularly backed movement that emerged as a very real threat to Zionism, to the extent that any such movement could be a threat to the well-armed and U.S.-backed Zionist state.
Now Zionist regime is crying that “we are under siege and fighting back to protect our people,” the fact is that it is the Palestinian who are under siege. The truth is that three times as many Palestinians as Zionist’s have died during the past ten years.
And while many Americans somehow have been convinced that Hamas are “the bad guys” and that its rival, Fatah, are “the good guys who want peace with Zionist regime of ‘Israel,” some of Zionist’s leading publicists saying that even Fatah is a possible danger to the Zionist state.

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