Zionist apartheid crimes against Palestinians

Earlier this week, Amnesty International released a groundbreaking report naming the Israeli government’s brutally unequal treatment of Palestinians for what it is: apartheid. Unsurprisingly, even before Amnesty released the report, the ADL and AIPAC claimed that compiling a vast body of evidence documenting Israel’s apartheid crimes against Palestinians is somehow harmful for Jews. 

These organizations, along with the Israeli government, claim to speak for all Jews. We have to make it widely known that there are Jews who disagree and are committed to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement for Palestinian rights. Can you help us raise $10,000 to place a digital ad with Mother Jones, so we can get the word out that there’s a growing, powerful movement of anti-Zionist Jews who demand an end to Israel’s apartheid crimes?

Mother Jones reaches progressives who are passionate about many issues, but may not be actively engaged in the Palestine solidarity movement. An ad from JVP encourages progressive readers, including this vibrant community of academics, organizers, and students, to follow the call from Palestinian civil society and run BDS campaigns with their respective communities. We need principled messaging so readers are not swayed by bad-faith actors and know that Jews support BDS! 

As Palestinians have long made clear, the strongest tool we have for getting the state of Israel to comply with international law is BDS. Our ad will show readers that, contrary to what mainstream media organizations and Jewish institutions would have the public believe, record numbers of Jews are refusing to support an apartheid regime. 

Please, make your gift by Friday, February 11, to help us deliver this message with a bold digital ad with Mother Jones. Let’s make it known loud and clear that we’re standing strong to win a world where Palestine is free. 


Sonya Meyerson-Knox

Interim Senior Communications Manager

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