In the name of the father: Israel arrests 16 year-old son of imprisoned protest organizer


From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee

In yet another nighttime raid on the village of Bil’in, soldiers stormed Adeeb Abu-

 Rahmah’s house and arrested his sixteen year old son


At 2:30 AM this morning Israeli forces entered the village of Bil’in in armored military

 jeeps and by foot, and proceeded to surround the home of jailed organizer,

 Adeeb Abu Rahmah. A group of masked soldiers forcefully entered the hous

 without showing a warrant, and arrested Adeeb’s only son, 16 year old Moha-

mmed. Since his father’s arrest

17 months ago Mohammed serves as the family’s sole provider.


Soldiers escorting the bound and blinfolded Mohammed into a military jeep. Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah 

Soldiers escorting the bound and blinfolded Mohammed into a military jeep. 
Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah 


During the raid, soldiers violently tried to prevent photographers from filming the

raid, beating up local cameraman, Haitham Khatib and causing damage to his camera.


Bil'in cameraman Haitham Khatib trying to film the raid. Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah 

Bil’in cameraman Haitham Khatib trying to film the raid. 
Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah


Adeeb Abu Rahmah, 38, a taxi-driver and father of nine and courageous activist, was

arrested during one of the weekly protests in Bil’in on July 10th, 2009. An initial decision

 to release him on condition of avoiding demonstrations was reversed on July 21st, 2009 when the military prosecution appealed. A judge ruled he should be kept on remand until the end of the legal proceedings against him.


Haitham Khatib showing his bruises after the raid. Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah 

Haitham Khatib showing his bruises after the raid. 
Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah

Eventually sentenced on June 30th, 2010, he was convicted of “incitement” and

 “activity against the public order”. These broad military orders are increasingly

being used by Israel to criminalize peaceful protest.

Abu Rahmah was initially sentenced to a twelve months term, which was then

aggravated to an eighteen months term by the Military Court of appeals in a highly controversial ruling that won the contempt of Human Rights organizations around

the world.

Amnesty International, amongst others, noted that “The broad scope of Israeli

military orders mean that Adeeb Abu Rahma could be imprisoned solely for

legitimately exercising his right to freedom of expression in opposing Israeli policies

 in the West Bank.” They added that he should be regarded “as a prisoner of conscience

who should be released immediately and unconditionally.”

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