ZIO=NAZI RACIST RABBI YOSEF: GENTILES WERE CREATED TO SERVE THE JEWS By SHOAHOctober 19, 2010Politics NOVANEWS Oct 19, 2010 The one and only Keith Johnson of http://revoltoftheplebs.wordpress.com returns to the program as we discuss the latest ‘pronouncement’ coming out of Israel from Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef concerning how Gentiles were created for one purpose only–to serve the Jews. jackie cox October 20, 2010 To read what you say, in their Talmud is correct, It states the golem was greated from a pile of dust, a halfling ment to do the Jews wprk, It further states our property may be claimed by them, and whatever they must do to acquire earths assets is OK, Deceit, murder, its all OK, I have studied the major populations of judaism, elements of secular communities; hassidic, orthodox, ultraorthodox, whereby the eldest son inherits control of the families assets, he himself owns 50% outright, and is the overseer of the family fortune.Women have no rights, to observe their communities in action is a disspiriting thing, its sad. You can almost see a dark cloud hanging over the areas they dominate, the common people lose their way. The firstborn gangs have an affinity for the ages old hashish, or temple balls, they say give them spirituality—they get high—addicted===lose their way, become embedded in fashion and predatory law, disrespect is the theme of the day. The gang of firstborn rabbis rule israel and the whole of judaism, the prime minister is a puppet. They double their populations every 17 tears, living in a secular communist community. Their long reaching plans continue for generations. Marxism, is nothing more than judaism, written up by karl marx, who substituted the gang of firstborn rabbis with the politbureau, then convert to communism, and when the jewish communist community become a majority of politbureaus members, then the communist structure can be disbanded, deeding the countries productive assets off to the extended families of the politbureau, A near hundred year plan, resulting in the russian arm of the world class mafia, The power of russia, If you cross them, then they will murder you. World over,There is no crime if you can’t discribe ot, lie, cheat, steal, murder, any form is OK if it titles them the assets A similar scenario is being played out in the USA, using the Acafemic Caste System-political-law-federal reserve-NYSE, Newsmedia— all with Las Vegas ethics. The world class mafia are after a one world power, fueled by a one brand economy, or cartel of ologopolies. The federal governments are like toys for the mafia, who play an international game, on the rest of the world, in their return to Nobility, hiding behind title, deed, and predatory law, they enact, as they bring the world to its knees. They will invade any religious, political structure, becoming whatever they must to gain access to power, funding paramilitaries who ethnically cleanse areas of geophysical value, then titling the geophysical assets off to themselves, all according to; city, county-state/province-federal-international law, they all hookup together; Germany before hitler led the world in science, technology, manufacturing, they were targeted, some say by hitler whose mother was jewish, decided to go into their greeting card industry, or printing and publication, an international jewish domain, the history states they refused to print his pictures and poems, because he was not 100 % jewish, then by design or whatever he went to Germany, and illustrated the Bailiffs who were sent to Germany to Collect retribution for WW1 all according to judgements from the world court in the hague, a jewish counsil. Then sent bailiffs into germany with seizure orders whereby the bailiffs seized control of the german infrastructure, bringing the germans into a form of servatude, similar to the goods and services industry in america, whereby the owners get the goods made in slave coutries, then sell them back to us with lowpaid hirelings. Criminality rules the world, men puppets fueled by lust and greed. The sad thing is, You would be no different than them, if you had lived their life. But, that doesn’t make it right, and since its all based on falsehood, time will bring it down, because ultimately only truth will stand the test of time. They like their status of power and association, and live the good life, as they perceive life, a severly distorted perspective, where cash, assets are the ulyimate show of power, as anarchy emerges, a massive gangland based on illicit drugs, whereby the revenue is shared equally with the world class mafia. The concept is common man, is whatever he reads, sees, is told, and hears, yhe golem concept, it ectends into law, In the USA they graduate 20 times more lawyers, than common man. Christianity itself can be traced to Constantine, a jewish roman emperor, who decided to merge paganism (common mans religion), with christianity, in the counsil of Nicea 400 years after christ, the rest is history, google it. Muhammad came along 200 years after the roman catholics, then luther the german monk came along 900 or so years later and christianity spunoff from catholism, Americas majority of citizenery—yet—not one protestant serves on our supreme court. Its interesting to observe a compromised criminal commercial gang of selfclaimed owners, in their attempt to take the world down to their level of international citizenery. Or a 3rd class world of servants, slaves, hirelings, and the middle class paid a biy more to be their protector, which they attack randomly and punish to put their concept of fear in the golems halflings offspring. Too stoned to grasp reality, too inbred to mauntain a creative competitive edge, they survive in secular comminities, where if you are unfortunate enough to be the neighbor, your either a slave, servant, hireling, good customer, or enemy, as they destroy the tribal communities of the world, and stall discovery, with world patent laws whereby discovery is confused with invention, where the entiety with the most cash becomes the inventor, granted immunity from competetion, so long as they should live, and then embedd it into the companies, where founders shares, or preferred shares rule the roost, playing the investment game in the NYSE with their common shares, where its like vegas, they are there for one reason, to take your money. Yes time changes all things especially in productive nations, all, governed by laq