ZIO=NAZI GESTAPO HUMILIATING PALESTINIAN DETAINEES By SHOAHOctober 26, 2010Politics New photos of Israeli soldiers humiliating Palestinian detainees disclosed October 26, 2010 by crescentandcross Most Popular Content All Speaking In Tongues–The Deadly Dialect of the Zionist Language Stuxnet Computer Worm–Israel’s Attempt To Silence Iran on 9/11 or Veiled Threat to the Entire World? Pastor Terry Jones–All Bark and No Bite When It Comes To Speaking The Truth About Islam and Judaism October 25, 2010OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A Hebrew website unveiled on Sunday new photos showing sadist Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip humiliating and scoffing at blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian prisoners, while Al-Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies revealed a picture for a little girl being surrounded by another group of soldiers. The website Walla said that the images were taken inside homes in Gaza and showing Palestinian prisoners being humiliated by Israeli soldiers. The photos were posted on Facebook website as souvenirs. In one of these images two Israeli soldiers were pointing their weapons at a blindfolded detainee, while another one shows a soldier carrying his gun besides a Palestinian woman from Gaza inside a kitchen. A third picture was taken for a soldier as he finished writing “we will come back soon” and below it he drew the star of David. For its part, Al-Ahrar center was able to get a picture for a Palestinian girl blindfolded and handcuffed with her hand behind her back and her knees on the floor as four Israeli soldiers were pointing their guns and laughing provocatively at her. Director of the center Fouad Al-Khafsh said that the picture proved how sadistic the Israeli soldiers are and how they find their great pleasure in the suffering of their detainees and appealed to the girl in the photo or anyone knowing her to contact the center so as to take legal action against the Israeli army. Source– www.uruknet.com