Dear Friends and Allies,

Palestinian students in Gaza navigate frustrating, demoralizing, and illegal barriers every single day as they strive to attain a basic human right – receiving a quality education. And since they can’t study abroad at a school in your town or even go on a trip to learn about the historical wonders of the world – we need to take our messages to them.

Please visit our Send a Message to Gaza page and send a message of encouragement, solidarity and support. Your message will be sent to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and from there, directly into the hands of students like Abd-AlRahman, a Telecommunications Engineering student at Al-Azhar University, or Ilham, a student at Palestine Nursing College; their stories are among those featured on Fakhoora.org.  

While it’s critically important for us to continue our work and speak up for these students’ rights, we should also recognize how powerful it can be to speak to the students!

Visit Fakhoora.org/Gazamail to send a message.

In solidarity,

The Al Fakhoora Campaign

To follow our updates, please visit Fakhoora.org. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

About Al Fakhoora

Al Fakhoora was established under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah and is part of an international movement that supports student advocacy to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinian students in Gaza and the West Bank. 

It has committed to providing 100 scholarships a year for 10 years for Palestinian students in post secondary education in Gaza and is working with various international agencies including The United Nations Development Program and UNESCO to rehabilitate universities in Gaza, improve the quality of education, provide psychosocial counseling to students, deliver prosthetics to youth in need, and provide programs to assist young people with disabilities. Learn more at:  www.fakhoora.org.

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