Zio=Nazi Elections

Among the most significant repercussions for Arab citizens of Israel of the recent Knesset elections, held on 22 January 2013, is the success of parties Yesh Atid and the Jewish Home. These two parties share an agenda of imposing compulsory military or alternative national service on all Israeli citizens, including Arab citizens
Prior to the elections, the Central Elections Committee (CEC) disqualified Arab MK Haneen Zoabi.
Adalah successfully defended MK Zoabi before the Supreme Court, which allowed her to run. The CEC
also banned an elections campaign video released by Arab party Balad/Tajammoa’, a decision that
Adalah got overturned unanimously in the Supreme Court.
Adalah also represented Arab MKs Mohammed Barakeh and Said Naffaa on politically-motivated charges
against them for participating in demonstrations and arranging a trip for Arab Druze religious
leaders to holy sites in Syria respectively, with the Nazareth District Court deciding that MK Naffaa’s
parliamentary immunity did not protect him.

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