Wave of Israeli demolitions culminates in destroying a mosque


Here is an al Jazeera video of Israel pulling down a mosque in the Jordan Valley village 

of Khirbat Yarza, Tubas, yesterday morning (deep inside the West Bank).


Over 60% of the Jordan Valley in the West Bank is under “Israeli control”, though

 in practise, all of the Palestinian territories are.

But in this case, it means, Palestinians cannot build or repair houses without

 Israeli permission. In 95%, however, Palestinians do not get permission to

build or repair,and in the few cases they do get permission, they have to wait

for years. According to the Israeli NGO Brimkon, the Israeli Civil Administr-

ation  grants only 12 permitsa year.

Over a three day period, Israeli authorities demolished a mind-blowing

amount of Palestinian structures: 

Tuesday: a mosque and seven buildings in the Jordan valley and a house that

is home to 18 people in Yatta, Southern West Bank. 

The day before: seven businesses near Hizme, a large family home in the

At-Thuri neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, a newly built road and a

green-house in the Salfit region in the North of the West Bank, six structures

in Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley, and  the day before that: more buildings in

East Jerusalem.  Earlier this week,Israeli demolished the Bedouin village

of Arakeeb in the Negev (today’s Israel) for the seventh time since July

this year.

 See Amnesty International comdenation over Bedouin Vilage demolition.

For more info on this week’s wave of demolitions, see Popular Struggle’s

  Israeli forces demolish mosque as West Bank Demolitions Wave Continues for Second Day in a Row.

Click here to download the July 2010 UN update on demolitions, 

Supporters of Israel should worry less about the construction of mosques in the

 United States, and more about their destruction in the West Bank, which is a much

 greater affront to our values.

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