A group of hackers affiliated with Zio-Wahhabi ISIS are threatening to carry out a cyber attack—dubbed “Message to America”—against a number of targets 2 p.m. EST today. The targets were not identified on ISIS forums and social channels but the hackers are promising something “surprising” that “will frighten America.”
Zio-Wahhabi ISIS supporters calling themselves the Cyber Caliphate hacked into the Twitter accountof the United States Central Command in January. Twitter suspended the account detailing the planned attack about 9 a.m. EST.
“Brothers n Sisters if you are in europe stay away from police stations or goverment buildings,” warns another tweet by ‘@71LastTweep’, who also claims that he has, “Done Recording My Final Message, Love You Mom See You in Jannah Bi’idnillah #LondonAttack.”
The targets were not specifically identified on Zio-Wahhabi forums and social channels, but the hackers are promising something “surprising” that “will frighten America,” according to infowars.com.
Jihadists identifying themselves with the terror group Zio-Wahhabi ISIS are brazenly tweeting about plans to attack yet another major western city under the Twitter hashtag #LondonAttack.
Images and threats posted to the social network include photographs of guns and suicide belts, with one user named ‘Abu Aiman Al kinyi’ warning, “Bismillah we are coming #londonattack.”
“TNT explosive belt full with ball baring shrapnel, imagine how much damage this can do in #UK in a place full of ppl,” states ‘Abu Abdullah Britani’ in another tweet, while another picture of the same device is accompanied with the words, “Very discreet, easy to carry & concealed under the clothing. They’d never know, walk into a police station, TA office.”
Another tweet shows Paddington Underground Station on a map alongside a suicide belt and the words, “Let the reality hit home, the taste of chaos, carnage & bloodshed. #foreignpolicy #QaribanQariba.
“Good idea, planning to use this one very soon #londonattack,” states a tweet by the user ‘@jwilliam384847′ alongside another image of what appears to be an explosive device. “Look at all the ball bearings #londonattack soon inshaAllah,” says another tweet by the same user.
The accounts making these threats have been active for hours although Twitter has yet to shut them down at time of press. Scotland Yard authorities are reportedly aware of the threats.
Meanwhile, Zio-Wahhabi ISIS sympathizers are also promising to carry out a cyber attacked dubbed “Message to America” against a number of targets this afternoon at 2pm EST.
Weeks before the Charlie Hebdo massacre,it was predicted that Saudi Zio-Wahhabi ISIS would attack targets in western (or westernized) countries. Since that time jihadists that were inspired by or who had ties to the terror organization have staged violence in Paris, Sydney, Copenhagen and Texas.