Zio-Nazi tanks heading towards Lebanon


Dozens of Zio-Nazi tanks are reportedly heading towards Lebanon’s border as thousands hold anti-Zionist protests across the country.

The military deployed more troops and tanks to the border on Sunday — the anniversary of the establishment of the Nazi regime in 1948. 
The military attacked the Palestinian refugees, who were calling for the return of the Palestinians to their homelands.
Zio-Nazi Gestapo’s killed five protesters in south Lebanon, injuring another 30.
People also took to the streets of the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank to mourn the May 15, 1948 Nakba Day, when Zio-Nazi regime manufactured its existence on the back of large-scale military offensives.
The creation forced more than 800,000 out of 1.4 million Palestinians out of their homeland to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, neighboring Arab countries and the remaining countries of the world.


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