Zio-Nazi started the wildfires


Israeli started the wildfires

israelbrenntevelynhechtgalinskipromosaik1Like the 9/11, Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in the recent wildfires in Israel. That’s why he immediately declared it arson and terrorist acts committed by Palestinians.

Israel’s education minister Naftali Bennett also admitted the truth in his tweet message: Only he to whom the land doesn’t belong is capable of burning it. One doesn’t need a PhD to find out that the European and other foreign Jews occupying historic Palestine have no legal rights to be there. Their ancestors never lived in Palestine for the last 2,000 years.

Israel’s veteran journalist Amira Hass reported at Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz(November 26) that the wildfires began near Israeli military base Neveh Yair in the West Bank – most probably as result of some careless soldier tossing away a burning cigarette.

I have read the opinion of four Jewish writers; Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, a German writer, author and human rights activist, Uri Avnery, Israeli journalist and former member of Irgun terrorist militia, Gilad Atzmon, Israel-UK writer and author, and American-Israeli journalist and blogger Gershom Gorenberg.

Gorenberg claimed at The American Prospect (December 1) that the wildfires was result of the climate-change but anti-Palestinian Netanyahu & Co. always blame natural disasters  on Palestinians.

When Netanyahu and others in the Israeli government see the flames on the hillsides and can only talk about Palestinian terror, they’re not just being hawkish, or even racist. They are blatantly ignoring the real threat that those fires represent to the fragile land that Israelis and Palestinians share. They are ignoring one more reason that time is terribly short for an agreement between the two peoples that will allow them to stop fighting, live side by side – and turn all their long-practiced diplomatic skills to common goals of fighting climate change,” Gorenberg wrote.

In spite of its nuclear power, its criminal army, the occupation, the Mossad and its lobbies all over the world, Israel seems to be very vulnerable. It is devastatingly alienated  from the land it claims to own. Like the pine tree, Israel and the Israeli are foreign to the region,” Gilad Atzmon said.

I find Evelyn’s article more closer to truth than others. “Who does the land belong to? Certainly not to the ethnic cleansing Jewish occupiers who have displaced the indigenous Palestinian people. As a consequence of the fires, Bennett and his right-wing colleague, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for an expansion of Jewish settlements on occupied land and promptly authorized the building of 500 new settlement units! Also in this instance, the coward members of the German Government have remained silent because for them the existence of an Israeli state takes an important priority over human rights and international law,” she said.

This raises the question of why is Israel burning? The majority of the hundreds of millions of trees planted since the Nakba by the Jewish National Fund, are conifers and particularly pines. The trees were planted for the benefit of the Jewish European immigrant ethnic cleansers so as to enable them to feel at home in a land for which they had no love, but simply wanted to possess,” she added.

From the beginning, Zionism’s aim has been to erase the memory of the Nakba by rewriting history in favour of Israel and Judaising the map of Palestine. Such blatant Nakba denial must be also criminalized in line Holocaust denial. It is not without reason that the powerful Israel lobby repeatedly endeavours to prevent exhibitions that present the truth about the Nakba and the brutal forced expulsions that preceded and followed the Israeli Declaration of Independence,” she said.

One of my favorite authors, Muhammad Asad (Polish Leopold Weiss), wrote in his masterpiece book, The Road to Mecca: “Although of Jewish origin myself, I conceived from the outset a strong objection to Zionism. I considered it immoral that immigrants assisted by a great power, should come from abroad with the avowed intention of attaining a majority in Palestine and thus to dispossess the people whose country it had been for centuries. This attitude of mine was beyond the comprehension of practical all the Jews whom I came in contact during my stay in Jerusalem (under British mandate) including Dr. Chaim Weizzman, the undisputed leader of the Zionist movement. They couldn’t understand what I saw in the Arabs. They’re not in the least interested what the Arab thought ( here)”.

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