Zio-Nazi Soldiers stole jewelry during raid


Nazi Soldier in Gaza


Palestinians from Qaddum claim that jewelry was stolen during IDF activity in the West Bank village early Thursday morning.

According to the Palestinians, soldiers stole valuable jewelry items during a search of a home in the village. The troops also caused severe damage to the house, locals claimed. 

The IDF said the Palestinians have lodged a complaint with the Civil Administration, adding that the claims are being examined.

During the raid the army detained 20 Qaddum residents, including two Palestinian police officers. 

Qaddum’s residents have been holding regular protests against the “confiscation of village lands for the expansion” of the nearby Kedumim settlement. 

They have also demanded that the village’s main road, which passes near the settlement, be reopened after it was closed by the IDF during the second intifada.

A few weeks ago a dog belonging to the IDF’s canine unit, Oketz, bit a Palestinian protester who tried to assault troops in Qaddum. The incident was caught on camera.

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