Zio-Nazi Settler killed by Palestinian police in Joseph’s Tomb officially recognized as ''terror victim''


Zio-Nazi Settler killed by PA Police

The Defense Ministry announced Thursday that the nephew of Science and Culture Minister Limor Livnat, killed by Palestinian policemen in the West Bank, will be officially recognized as a terror victim, Army Radio reported.
Ben-Joseph Livnat, a 25-year-old father of four, was killed by Palestinian security forces last month when they opened fire on three cars full of Israelis who entered Joseph’s Tomb near Nablus without permission.
The incident, however, has still not been classified as a terror attack although according to the IDF investigation, the Palestinian policemen did not act in self-defense.
Meanwhile, the Rabbi of Teqoa settlement Menachem Fruman intends to meet the Governor of Nablus, Jibrin al-Bakri, next week in the Joseph’s Tomb compound in order to discuss the incident. The meeting will also be attended by the commander of the policemen who opened fire at a group of Breslov a month ago and killed Livnat.
“This meeting is meant to clarify that a mistake was made here, that this is not Palestinian policy,” Fruman said on Army Radio. “The Palestinian policy is to protect the law and protect the peace. We plan for the governor to invite Jews to pray at the Tomb again.”
A planned tour of the area by the Knesset’s Eretz Yisrael Lobby, attended also by Minister Livnat, was cancelled Tuesday by security forces for fear of instigating riots and putting the MKs in danger. Minister Livnat said in response that “the Palestinian Authority is not upholding its commitments.”
Since the lethal incident a month ago dozens of right-wing activists and settlers have visited the holy site, situated in the heart of the Palestinian city. Some of the visits were approved by security forces while some of the cases were infiltrations.


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