Zio-Nazi regime Denies Entry to Hundreds in Day of Action


Dozens arrested in an international day of solidarity where 1500 activists tried to land in Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport to travel to the occupied Palestinian territories.

Related Story: ‘Fly-In’ Activists on Mass Deportation from Israel
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Over 1500 activists from 15 countries attempted to fly to Ben Gurion Airport to travel to Bethlehem in the occupied Palestinian territories. They were invited by Palestinian activists to help build a school and protest Israel’s control of all access points to the occupied territories. Hundreds were prevented from even boarding their planes and instead staged protests at various airports. Dozens were deported upon arrival while dozens arrested and transferred to Givon prison in central Israel. Israeli activists attempted to hold signs welcoming them at the airport but were immediately arrested and given a 15 day distancing order from the airport. The Real News’ Lia Tarachansky reports from the airport.

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