Zio-Nazi Parliament Bans Arab MP From Running for Reelection


Efforts to Ban All Arab Parties Narrowly Fail

In what has become a pre-election ritual the Zio-Nazi KKKnesset’s Central Elections Committee (CEC) began proceedings today on calls from the ruling coalition to ban a myriad of MPs and parties from contesting re-elction.
Today’s only successful ban came against Arab MP Haneen Zoabi, who was on the Mavi Marmara aid ship the Nazi Navy attacked. Nazi right-wing MPs on the committee argued that this amounted to “supporting terrorism with Likud Nazi MP Danny Danon arguing that “Democracy must have its limits and Zoabi’s place is prison.
Efforts to ban all Palestinian  parties from contesting the election narrowly failed, and the next round of discussions will focus on calls to ban the Nazi religious right for “discriminating against women.”
Officials expressed confidence that Zoabi’s ban would stand, but despite the CEC’s tendency to ban candidates and parties before virtually every vote, Zio-Nazi High Court has almost uniformly overturned those bans. The only ban which has ever stood up in court was the 1988 banning of Rabbi Nazi Meir Kahane for overtly calling for the mass expulsion of all non-Jews from the country.

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