Zio-Nazi Officer’s racial slurs lead to his dismissal


Policeman, posting ethnic slur against Palestinian woman on Facebook, forced out of service.  Police chief says will ‘weed such people out of police force’

ed note–please remember as you read this that it is  only a PR stunt. Israel is Racism, Inc and only engages in stunts like  this  in order to  seduce the world into believing that the Jewish state is a modern,  western, democratic and  tolerant society, when the truth is that being ‘The Jewish State’  means it is the  embodiment of  state-sponsored racism, chauvanism and exclusivity.  In truth, I would  not be  surprised at all if the entire event were manufactured in order to create the narrative.

A police officer who posted racist remarks on his Facebook page regarding the alleged attack of an Arab woman in Jerusalem on Monday, will be discharged and return to the IDF, Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino said on Wednesday at a press conference concluding the 2012 year.
The police on Wednesday began to investigate the incident, which occurred between the young Arab woman and a group of young Jewish women near the Light Rail station in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem.
Moreover, the police had to simultaneously contend with the racist slurs made by a man in uniform named Ariel Shapiro, who wrote the following on his Facebook wall: “Too bad the Arab whore didn’t die.”
The post was brought to the attention of the police, who easily located the man. At the annual press conference, Police Commissioner Danino noted that measures have already been taken regarding this issue.
“A police officer made racist remarks that do not honor the Israel Police and do not honor citizens. We currently notified that the officer’s police service will be terminated and he will return to the IDF,” said Danino.
“We will weed these such people out. We dismissed 88 officers this year, this may be a new record, but I would like to say that these were people who were not right for the organization. They are causing damage to 30,000 other police officers.”

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