Zio-Nazi Lapid: “We need to get rid of the Palestinians”


Zio-Nazi Lapid

We’re beginning to get an idea of what the outcome of the latest series of US-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian talks might look like.
The talks began in July 2013 and are due to conclude with a final status agreement in April this year.
In a nutshell, the outcome is likely to be a double whammy of ethnic cleansing of some of Israel’s Arab citizens and the annexation of large chunks of the illegally occupied Palestinian West Bank.
According to the Times of Israel, this diabolical plan – the brainchild of Israel’s Moldovan foreign minister and former nightclub bouncer, Avigdor Lieberman, calls for towns in “The Triangle” region southeast of Haifa – including heavily populated Arab cities – to become part of a Palestinian state in any peace agreement, in exchange for the Jewish colonies of the West Bank. It would mean the ethnic cleansing of about 300,000 Israeli Arabs.
The newspaper said that the plan is winning broad support among Israel’s ruling elite as well as the United States.
“Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s plan to transfer jurisdiction of some Israeli Arab towns to a future Palestinian state has the support of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni,” it said, citing senior officials in the ruling Likud-Beytenu coalition.
The officials, it said, claim

Netanyahu has concluded that, in the event of an agreement with the Palestinians, the demographic factor must be taken into consideration, which would include some Israeli Arab towns in the new Palestinian state. The officials also said that, during negotiations, Livni brought up the names of specific villages to be included in the Palestinian state…

The Times of Israel cited the unnamed officials as saying that “Americans involved in the negotiations are also warming to the idea.”
Meanwhile, Israel’s finance minister, Ya’ir Lapid, has openly and publicly declared: “We need to get rid of the Palestinians.”
Speaking in a debate in Tel Aviv on 17 January, Lapid said, as reported by the Israeli news website Ynet:

We say – peace is not the issue, we need to get rid of the Palestinians. It threatens us, it chokes us. Ultimately the State of Israel cannot continue on while unnaturally absorbing four million Palestinians. Eventually they will tell us, “if you don’t want to give us a country of our own, let us vote”. And then, if we let them vote, it will be the end of the Jewish state. If we won’t let them – it will be the end of a democratic Israel, and I won’t allow that to happen.

So, in case you haven’t done so already, now is the time to disabuse yourselves of any illusion that the US-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian talks will yield anything other than “legitimizing” Israeli war crimes and paving the way for new ones.
Israel understands only one language: force. Until we’re in a position to communicate with it through this medium, all we can expect is more and more war crimes and crimes against humanity – in collusion with the United States.

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