Zio-Nazi Gestapo Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)



  • The Israeli forces continued to fire at the Palestinian civilians along the border in the Gaza Strip.

–       4 civilians, including 2 children, were wounded in the northern and central Gaza Strip.

  • A Palestinian child sustained severe wounds in Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.


  • The Israeli forces conducted 50 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. 

–       At least 37 Palestinian civilians, including 5 children, were arrested.

  • The Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.

–       5 Palestinian civilians were wounded in al-Nabi Saleh and Kofur Qaddoum peaceful protests in the center and north of the West Bank.
–       10 farmers, including 3 women and a baby that was with her mother, were arrested in the eastern Yatta protest, south of Hebron.

  • Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

–       The Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank.
–       At least 5 Palestinian civilians were arrested at checkpoints in the West Bank.

  • Israel has continued efforts to create a Jewish majority in East Jerusalem.

–       Leveling works continued in Shu’fat village to establish a settlement road in Jerusalem.

  • Israel has continued settlement activities in the West Bank, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

–       37 residential tents were damaged and confiscated in al-Maleh area in the northern Jordan Valley, due to which 115 persons became homeless.
–       6 houses and a water well were demolished and new demolition notices were issued in Hebron.
–       The settlers uprooted 60 olive seedlings in al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem.

  • The Israeli naval forces continued to attack Palestinian fishermen in the sea.

–       Palestinian fishing boats were subjected to the Israeli fire 6 times, but neither material damage nor casualties were reported.
Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (17– 22 January 2013):
The Israeli forces wounded 10 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. They were all wounded in an excessive use of force during peaceful protests in the West Bank or shooting incidents near the border fence in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, a 2-year girl was wounded while she was playing in front of her family’s house in al-Salqa valley in the central Gaza Strip.
In the West Bank, the Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protests organized by the Palestinians civilians and international and Israeli activists in protest to the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank.  As a result, 6 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded; 3 of whom were wounded in al-Nabi Saleh weekly protest, northwest of Ramallah and 2 others were wounded in Kofur Qaddoum weekly protest, northeast of Qalqilia. The child was wounded at the northern entrance of Ayda refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.
On 19 January 2013, the Israeli forces arrested 10 farmers and local activists, including 3 women and a baby who was with her mother, during a peaceful protest organized by dozens of Palestinian civilians, human rights defenders and residents of Qweiqes village, south of Hebron, in protest to the policy of land seizure for the interest of settlements.
In the Gaza Strip, on 17 January 2013, 2 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded. The first one was wounded when the Israeli forces positioned along the border fence, east of Jabalya, opened fire at a group of civilians and farmers, who were 100 meters to the west of the fence.  Five minutes later, the second person was wounded when the Israeli forces positioned along the border fence, north of Beit Lahia, opened fire at a group of civilians and farmers a few meters to the west of the fence.
On 19 January 2013, a 2-year girl was wounded when the Israeli forces positioned along the border fence, east of Wadi al-Salqa village in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at the agricultural lands. The girl was playing in front of her family’s house that was 1,000 meters away from the fence.
On 21 January 2013, a Palestinian boy was wounded when the Israeli forces positioned on watchtowers, northwest of Beit Lahia, opened fire at some workers who were collecting plastic, gravel and firewood a few meters away from the fence. The Israeli forces claimed that they fired at a group of boys who attempted to damage the fence in the northern Gaza Strip. It should be noted that the Israeli forces had fired at farmers and gravel collectors in the vicinity of al-Shuhada’ cemetery, east of Jabalya, but no casualties were reported.
In the context of targeting fishermen, the Israeli gunboats positioned off al-Waha resort, northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats 6 times on 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 January 2013.  As a result, the fishermen were frightened and fled back to the shore for fear of being wounded or arrested.  Neither material damage nor casualties were reported.
The full report is available online at:

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