Zio-Nazi forces continue systematic attacks against Palestinian civilians and property in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)



  • Israeli forces have continued to open fire at border areas in the Gaza Strip.
  • A Palestinian child was killed in the northern Gaza Strip.

–       3 civilians were wounded in different shooting incidents.

  • Israeli forces launched 2 airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, but no casualties were reported.
  • Israeli forces have continued to use excessive force against peaceful protesters in the West Bank.

–       A Palestinian child was wounded in Bil’in weekly protest, west of Ramallah.

  • Israeli forces conducted 71 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

–       At least 23 Palestinians, including a child, were arrested.

  • Israel has continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

–       Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank.
–       A patient was arrested at Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing.
–       At least 3 Palestinian civilians were arrested at checkpoints in the West Bank.

  • Israeli navy forces have continued targeting Palestinian fishermen at sea.

–       Israeli naval forces opened fire 4 times at Palestinian fishing boats in the northern Gaza Strip, but no casualties were reported.
–         Israeli forces have continued to support settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.
–       A project was initiated to build 272 new settlement units in settlements in the West Bank.
–       Israeli forces levelled an agricultural area in the centre of Hebron and uprooted 50 almond and grape trees.
–       The settlers continued their attacks against the Palestinian civilians and their property.
–       Fire was set to 2 vehicles in Madama village, south of Nablus.
Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (02 – 08 January 2014).


During the reporting period, a Palestinian child died of wounds he sustained a day earlier, while 3 other civilians were wounded in the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces carried out 2 airstrikes, 4 shooting incidents along the border fence and 4 shooting incidents at Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Strip. In the West Bank, a Palestinian child was wounded during peaceful protests organized by Palestinians and international and Israeli activists in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities.
In the Gaza Strip, on 03 January 2014, medical sources at Shifa hospital in Gaza City pronounced Adnan Jamil Abu Khater (17), from Jabalia, dead of wounds he sustained a day earlier.
On the same day, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, north of Beit Hanoun, opened fire at Nahez Jamal Abdul Dayem (29), an iron collector, from Ezbet Beit Hanoun. As a result, he sustained a bullet wound to the right leg and was taken to Kamal Odwan hospital in Beit Lahia.
On 03 January 2014 also, 2 Palestinian civilians were wounded in the northern Gaza Strip when Israeli forces positioned along the border fence opened fire at a group of civilians in 2 separate incidents.
On the same day, Israeli warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the central and northern Gaza Strip. However, neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
In the context of targeting fishermen in the sea, Israeli forces targeted fishermen on 04, 05 and 06 January 2014, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
In the West Bank, Israeli forces continued the systematic use of excessive force against peaceful protests organised by Palestinian, Israeli and international activists against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West. As a result, a 16-year-old civilian was wounded by a Tutu bullet in Bil’in weekly protest, west of Ramallah.
The full report is available online at:

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