Zio-Nazi chief rabbi slammed for racial slur

Newly elected Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau seen  here on July 23, 2013. (photo credit: FLASH90)
Times of Israel
David Lau, the recently elected chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel, was broadly condemned for a racist comment about basketball players at the Maccabiah Games.
Exhorting his haredi Orthodox constituents to devote their time to learning Torah rather than watching basketball, Lau said on Tuesday, “Why do you care about whether the ‘kushim’ who get paid in Tel Aviv beat the ‘kushim’ who get paid in Greece?” 
Kushim is the equivelent of ‘nigger’ in Israeli slang.
The remarks were first reported by a phone news service for haredim, Hakol Haharedi, and subsequently picked up by major Israeli newspapers.
According to The Jerusalem Post, Knesset Education and Sports Committee Chairman Amram Mitzna said it was “very unfortunate that rabbis who are supposed to guide the way ethically fail time and time again by making racist statements.”
Lau, who was elected last week as chief rabbi, canceled a planned vacation abroad after the remarks were published.

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