Zio-Nazi army turns Palestinian homes in Hebron into Nazi Camp


Zio-Nazi occupation forces have turned the roofs of Palestinian homes in the ancient city of Hebron, south of the West Bank, into Nazi military barracks and control points under the pretext of providing security for Jewish Nazi settlers during the Hebrew celebrations of the Sukkot Feast.
Human rights sources in the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee reported that a large number of Nazi forces took over the roofs of several Palestinian homes along the lanes of the old town. These houses, including the family home of the Islam Al-Fakhouri in Al-Sahla area, have been turned into Nazi military barracks and control towers while the families have been forced to leave.
Nazi soldiers also commandeered the roofs of the Abdulmutallab Abu Sunaina, Imran Abu Rumaila, Daoud Jaber, Nader Salaymeh and AliAl-Rajabi households turning them into control points.
Sources also point out that the regions extending between the Nazi settlement of Kiryat Arba, the Cave of the Patriarchs, Tel Rumeida, Al-Shuhada, Al-Ras, and Wadi El-H’aseen streets; and the areas of Al-Masharqa Al-Fawqa and Tahta, are subjected to a blanket Nazi police and Nazi army presence.

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