This is really hilarious. Look at this news item in the Zio-Nazi propaganda newspaper. Notice that they did not name one US Arab or Muslim who was in attendance, with the exception of a US official. But I have it on good authority that Zio-Nazi favorite US Muslim did attend: indeed, Abraham Foxman made it to the Iftar.
Zio-Nazi Michael Oren holds ‘Iftar’ meal at DC residence to break traditional Muslim fast. Dining room temporarily converted into prayer room
The ambassador explained that his wife had undergone minor surgery and that she was hospitalized at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem.
Oren welcomed his guests and said that he was proud to host the first Iftar meal in his home. He added that he hoped that the evening marked the beginnings of a shared tradition of building bridges to mutual understanding and esteem which would start in Washington but reach the Middle East.