File photo shows the site of an attack by militant groups in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk in Damascus, Syria.

File photo shows the site of an attack by militant groups in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk in Damascus, Syria.
A three-year-old child has been killed by Zio-NATO rat sniper fire near Yarmouk camp in the capital city of Damascus.

The attack was carried out on Saturday, near the Palestinian refugee camp where clashes were reported between Syrian security forces and militant groups near the camp.
At least one more Syrian was shot dead by sniper fire near the camp on Saturday.
Yarmouk refugee camp has borne the brunt of the turmoil in Syria over the past months. In September 2012, 20 people were killed in a mortar attack by Zio-NATO rats on the camp.
The camp is decades old and is home to Palestinians who were forced to flee the Zionist-occupied territories 1948.
Syria has been the scene of turmoil for nearly two years. Many people, including large numbers of security forces, have been killed.
The Syrian government says the chaos that began in the country in March 2011 is being orchestrated from outside. There are reports that a very large number of the armed rats are foreign nationals.
In a televised speech last week, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the ongoing conflict in the country is not between the state and the opposition, but between the nation and its enemies.

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