“Failure of the Zionist regime against the resolve and resistance of the regional nations is for sure and there is no doubt about it,” Rahimi said in a meeting with visiting Lebanese Health Minister Muhammad Jawad Khalifa on Sunday.
He said the world has experienced a great change and the nations have gained more awareness on the current international conditions, and added, “The Zionist regime will not last long under the current conditions and will move towards annihilation.”
Elsewhere, Rahimi pointed to the friendly relations between Iran and Lebanon, and underlined that the Islamic Republic government has always supported Lebanon in all arenas.
“Lebanon has always been specially important to Iran and Iran assumes support for Lebanon’s security as its duty,” he added.
Tehran and Beirut enjoy friendly and close ties due to Iran’s support for the establishment of security and tranquility in Lebanon.
Lebanese Foreign Minister Ali al-Shami in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki on the sidelines of an urgent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in June underlined Beirut’s resolve to reinvigorate relations with Tehran.
According to diplomatic sources, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is due to pay an official visit to Lebanon in the near future.

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