Your Electricity Bills are Going Up


Dear All,

Gas and electricity bills are going up and up. Further big rises are likely. [1] The energy companies are making big profits, while the rest of us are being hit hard.

38 Degrees members have voted to work together to tackle rip-off bills. [2] We’ve had enough and together we can do something about it. So now we need to decide what we should do.

The Prime Minister is offering us warm words and saying he understands there’s a problem. [3] But meanwhile, the big energy companies have just hiked their prices up by an average of 21%. [4] Something needs to change or it could be a very cold winter.

Please take a three-minute survey to help plan the campaign against rip-off gas and electricity bills:

The 38 Degrees office team has been consulting experts from organisations like Consumer Focus and Which? to draw up a list of campaign ideas.

We’ve got some choices to make – here are some of the options:

– Force energy companies to make their tariffs simpler so we can tell which is cheapest
– Ask the government to use the extra cash from VAT on higher energy bills to help those struggling to heat their homes
– Demand a public inquiry into the power of the big 6 energy companies

What do you think? See the full list, and vote on your favourites, here:

38 Degrees is fuelled by people power. 38 Degrees members vote together to choose campaigns and campaign tactics.Tackling rip-off gas and electricity bills was voted near the top in the last 38 Degrees member vote.

We know that when we work together we can make change happen. All our other people powered campaigns – like stopping our forests being sold off, standing up to Rupert Murdoch, and protecting our NHS – were chosen by thousands of 38 Degrees members voting together.

So now please help plan the campaign against rip-off gas and electricity bills by taking the three-minute survey:

Thanks for being involved,

Becky, David, Marie, Hannah, Cian, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team

P.S. If you call an energy company and ask for the cheapest deal, shouldn’t they be legally required to offer you the cheapest deal? Help choose the campaign here:

[1] BBC: More people with energy bill debts:
[2] 38 Degrees: August member poll results now in:
[3]’s Martin Lewis in The Sun: Empower yourself. As energy summit fails to cut bills:
More in The Guardian: Government sets out plans to tackle rising energy costs:
[4] The Telegraph: Energy price to hit six million households:

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