YouGov survey shows minimal support for academies and ‘free’ schools


A new YouGov survey has asked people what their opinion is on Academies and ‘Free’ schools.
Only ¼ of the participants think either academies or ‘free’ schools will improve standards, with over ½ thinking they will make no difference or make them worse.
Do you think turning more schools into academies – which have the freedom to set their own rates of pay for staff and greater independence over the curriculum and their budgets – will make education standards better or worse, or will it make no difference?

will make standards better              27

will make standards worse             24

will make no difference                  29

don’t know                                        20

YouGov survey shows minimal support for academies and ‘free’ schools

Kimberley school governors vote unanimously against academy status

Statement by the Governing Body of The Kimberley School as agreed at the meeting of 7 February 2012:
As a result of the comprehensive consultation exercise the Governors of The Kimberley School unanimously believe that, on balance, it is not in the best interests of the school to change status at this time. However, Governors have resolved to keep this under review. 

Kimberley school governors vote unanimously against academy status

Free Schools: Mystery of a Chuckle Brother’s ‘ghost’ school with no staff or pupils

THE launch of one of the Government’s flagship free schools, backed by a television entertainer and hailed as “outstanding” by Michael Gove, has been thrown into doubt with no confirmed premises, staff or pupils in place – despite supposedly being due to open in eight months.
Questions are now being asked about why the Government waved through initial approval of Rotherham Central Free School, with officials suggesting little obvious consultation has been carried out.

Mystery of a Chuckle Brother’s ‘ghost’ free school with no staff or pupils

Phantom plan for free school?

Other ‘Free’ school news

Liverpool Catholic Church rejects Hawthornes Free School Trust

‘Free’ School to be run entirely by ex military personnel

Tottenham Hotspur in talks to open free school at their new stadium


More fallout from the GCSE results

The release of the GCSE results for 2011 two weeks ago was accompanied by a mass of other useful data. Since then a number of analysis of the results have been released, again and again they show that academies are not ‘proven to succeed’ as Gove and the DfE claim.

Academies and exploitation of “equivalent” qualifications

Academies and the ‘English Baccalaureate’

Academies falling below the ‘floor target’

Note on academies and disadvantaged pupils

Academy chains: No case for expansion

Most GCSE equivalents axed from school league tables


Conference: Education in Lincolnshire: what does the future hold?

A free conference for parents, governors and teachers. Education reforms, nationally and locally, are making huge changes to schooling in Lincolnshire. What is driving these changes? Are the arguments educational or economic? What’s in it for the County’s children?

2-5 pm, Saturday 3rd March

EMMTEC Auditorium,University of Lincoln, Brayford Campus
Speakers include Melissa Benn, Alasdair Smith – Anti Academies Alliance national secretary

Education in Lincolnshire: what does the future hold?


Early Day Motion 2632 – Forced Academies in Primary Schools

The following Early Day Motion had been submitted by David Lammy MP in Parliament.
The more MPs sign it the clearer it is that there is widespread opposition to Forced Academies.
Please contact your MP immediately and ask them to sign EDM 2632

Academy figures for February 2012

The latest government figures for academies, released on 3rd February, show there are now 1580 academies open.
49 new academies opened at the beginning of February
Of these 24 are secondary and 33 are primary schools.
55% of secondaries are not academies – 1735

15,000 primary schools remain as community schools – 96%

Click here to download the latest data by Local Authority
Other news

Teachers call for Islington school to drop academy status

Academy to alter school ‘measuring point’ to exclude council estate pupils

Let state schools be run for profit, says former Department for Education chief

What’s happening at OASIS MediaCity Academy?

Ofsted give damning report into Birkdale High School Academy

Fears over academy plan for primaries

Free School Meals: 6 Feb 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements

The very undemocratic process of forcing academy status on primary schools…and o…

Parents speak against Brixton primary school academy plans
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