Yamashita’s Gold and the CIA


Unnamed VT personnel had direct involvement in some of what is discussed here.  Watch the entire video.

Do take note of the story about Edwin Wilson and his “green berets” who trained Libyan terrorists. This was, in fact, the deployment of Vietnam’s ‘Phoenix’ personnel as part of Gladio, the Freemason/Nazi terror group the CIA employed/employs to terrorize Europe and coordinate al Qaeda and ISIS.  Watch the video:


During World War II, Japan’s Emperor Hirohito directed the looting of the national treasures in 13 nations his army had conquered. This included the wealth of Britain, Netherlands, and France, which had moved some of their gold to Asian colonies for safety. What happened to these treasures, estimated at around 100 billion in 1945 dollars?This loot was combined with treasure seized from the Germans to create a vast slush fund called the Black Eagle Trust, which was used to finance clandestine activities of the CIA. These funds allowed the creation of a huge organized crime syndicate in Asia that supplement their funds via drug and arms trafficking, and government contract and bank fraud.

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