Ya’alon demands US toughen stance on Iran


The United States must do more to show Iran it is serious about curtailing its nuclear ambitions because the current pressure is not working, Vice Premier Moshe Ya’alon said on Thursday.
Ya’alon also fired a warning at the terrorist Hezbollah movement in neighboring Lebanon, saying the Shi’ite group would be crushed if it tried to attack Israel at the behest of Tehran in any future war.
“As long they perceive this, they don’t feel like they are under pressure. That is a pity,” said Ya’alon, who is also Israel’s minister of strategic affairs.
“It is up to the United States to try to change this perception in Iran. This is crucial,” he told Reuters, adding that Iran would top the agenda during Clinton’s visit on July 15 and 16 — her first trip here in almost two years.
Western powers believe Iran is developing technology to build nuclear weapons and have imposed an increasingly tough regime of economic sanctions to make it reverse course.
Iran insists its atomic program is peaceful and has shrugged off the latest round of sanctions, with a European Union embargo on Iranian crude oil taking full effect on July 1.
“We’ve witnessed the impact of the sanctions in Iran, but up until now the regime prefers to suffer rather than give up its military nuclear capabilities,” Ya’alon said, adding that the time had come to introduce “really crippling sanctions.”
Reputed to have the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal, Israel has threatened to resort to force if it deems diplomatic and economic means are failing. Ya’alon repeated the threat, but made clear that he thought Washington should lead the way.
“We believe of course that the military option should be the last resort and we believe that someone else should be doing the job. But we should be ready to defend ourselves by ourselves.”
Ya’alon predicts Assad’s impending downfall
A former chief of staff in the IDF, Ya’alon said he was sure Hezbollah would jump to Iran’s aid if hostilities broke out, but predicted it would soon regret any attack.
“Any provocation will be responded to by us, by charging them with such a heavy price that they will ask for a ceasefire,” he said, sitting in the sun-filled gardens of the King David Hotel in central Jerusalem.
Some Israeli officials have worried that Hezbollah, which is estimated to have thousands of missiles ready to rain across the border, might start trouble with Israel to divert attention from the woes besetting its ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Ya’alon did not see such a threat and thought that Assad was doomed to lose the violent power struggle gripping Syria.
“We are not sure when it will happen, but it will happen. From day to day we have witnessed an acceleration of the process as a result of the power that the opposition has succeeded in gaining,” he said.

  1. No War for Israel in Iran – Do The Right Thing!

  2. This is all propaganda. Israel & usa are the ones provoking war. That is the day to day accelerating of the process.
    Obama needs to get a handle on the zionist pressure. He should’nt waste another day pandering to outside interests. Sure he wants to be reelected, but for what? So he can kissass for another four years?

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