World should listen to Syria war victims – Russia

виталий чуркин оон Постоянный представитель

Vitaly Churkin
Photo: EPA
Russia hopes the UN commission for inquiry into possible encroachments on human rights in Syria will pay due attention to the information on the victims of violence committed by armed groups warring on the side of the Syrian irreconcilable opposition, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said Monday.

As he took the floor at an informal session of the UN General Assembly, he gave the assurances of Russia’s readiness “to continue interaction with the investigative commission but supplying it with contact information on victims of armed groups acting in Syria.”

“We hope the UN experts will use an opportunity to listen to these victims,” Churkin said adding that this will help balance out the next report the commission will draft.

He said Russia hopes the report will include a recommendation on lifting sanctions against Syria. “We are not convinced by the explanations that a formulation like this one /on the revoking of sanctions – Itar-Tass/ cannot appear in the text of a resolution, since sanctions are a matter of policy of the member-states.”

“In the final run, everything that’s happening is a matter of policy,” Churkin said.

Voice of Russia, TASS

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