There are no pictures of Fukushima babies yet. The Japanese government has been killing badly mutated babies. These poor Japanese mothers are not even allowed to see the babies.
Why the Media is Silent about Fukushima
Fukushima’s Reactor 4 threatens to make extinct ALL humanity. Many have already come forward to speak about the impending extinction level event that Fukushima represents.
They have come forth and stated point blank that Fukushima is now on the brink of taking down the entire human race. This is the greatest danger humanity has ever faced, yet the mainstream media has barely covered the story… why?
Fukushima, the Asian 911 The reason becomes very clear when you realize that Fukushima was not an accident, and that those who own and operate the global media are devoted to protect the saboteur. A terrorist attack destroyed the Fukushima Diachi nuclear power plant. They used a combination of an artificially created tsunami, nuclear bombs placed inside reactors 2 and 4 as well as the Stuxnet computer Virus, which they created. Israeli security firm Magna BSP put two nuclear bombs INSIDE reactor 2 and 4. This is why the reactors exploded in a mushroom cloud.
Researcher Jim Stone first broke this story and then a more extensive article was published by amateur reporter from Tokyo here.
Israel did Fukushima This is the elephant in the room that no one wants to face. Now this elephant is breathing radioactive waste right into our faces. This is the monstrosity that is Jewish power. The word in the mainstream media now is to avoid Fukushima at all costs. They know that the light will eventually be shined upon Israel if it comes to the public awareness how horrific Fukushima truly is. This explains why the western media is keeping quiet but why would the Japanese media not speak of this. Israel did Fukushima. There is mountains of proof.
We must now come face to face with the fact that all humanity is now in danger of being annihilated by Zionism. We are on the very brink of our destruction and only our own strength can pull us out of this. We must now face directly the issue of Jewish power or else face our destruction. The Japanese government is being held hostage. Israel has made it clear to them that they can cause a tsunami and quake at any time if they so choose. In addition to this there is also the threat of economic terrorism. Japan must obey or risk being completely destroyed. This is why the Japanese government is being forced into silence. Researcher Jim Stone made this startling deduction almost a year ago. Japanese Journalist and former Editor of the Tokyo Times Yoshi Shmatsu The Real Horrors facing us if we do not take action This is not an ethereal issue like the Iraqi war or war in some far off land that will not affect us directly. This will affect ALL Americans and all humanity in the most direct way possible. It already has
This mutant babies issue is the single most horrifying thing this writer has ever seen. When you consider that Fukushima is now at 68 times more radioactivity than Chernobyl and threatens to be hundreds of times worse than that if Reactor 4 blows becomes real in ones mind when once looks at pictures of Chernobyl babies. The use of Depleted and Enriched Uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan has created a new crop of mutant babies. Keep in mind that while horrific, the use of Depleted and even enriched uranium is NOTHING compared to the radioactivity now being released by Fukushima and what COULD be released if reactor 4 is not fixed. Mutant Babies, coming soon to a womb near you.
These pictures are from Chernobyl, Iraq and Afghanistan. A nuclear meltdown, depleted uranium and enriched uranium produced this. Fukushima will be at least 68 times WORSE than this.
This will soon be the reality all around us. When reactor 4 goes it will begin a cycle of horror through the world that will transform our earth into a veritable hell. At that point people will not care much about being called “anti Semitic” Of course at that point there will be no going back and all humanity will suffer. The humane and loving thing to do is to speak out now and call out this elephant in the room. Speaking out about how horrible Fukushima is IS NOT ENOUGH! WE MUST POINT OUT THE ROOT CAUSE OF THIS HORROR. WE MUST SPEAK ABOUT JEWISH POWER !!! Otherwise nothing will be done. The more we speak out about the root of this poison the more we shall free the media to speak out. They will see they cannot keep it covered up and that Israel cannot be protected by silence any longer. The flood gates shall open and the world will be free to work together to solve this crisis. Speak out now, name the enemy. If this will not force us to face the elephant in the room then nothing will.
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