Why Israelis Speak Hebrew

Hebrew TabletsWhy Israelis speak Hebrew is simply to deceive the world. It does not in any way prove a “Hebrew” heritage.
1) Non-Hebraic Rabbinists (followers of the Babylonian Talmud) have been using the “Jew” appellation since the late 18th Century in order to appear to be Judahite Hebrews – see How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered the West.
That way people could see them as the Chosen People, while they endeavored to steal Palestine and create modern-day Israel without the objection of the Christian world, especially since they were Eastern-European Nomads seeking a new country following the loss of their homeland Khazaria.
Then they – who originally spoke Yiddish – resurrected the dead Hebrew tongue after thousands of years in the dustbin of oblivion to make it Israel’s official language. In so doing, they consolidated in the world’s mind the impression that they were Hebrews rightfully returning home, when in fact they were not.
However, in their lust to deceive the world they got blindsided and completely overlooked the fact that, following the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C., not even the Hebrews spoke Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus.
“We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’” Acts 26:14
The PassionThat’s why Mel Gibson made the movie The Passion of The Christ in that dialect. In turn, the Jews became furious – still on a vendetta against him – because Mel made them look ridiculous, especially as they wanted to be seen as “kinsmen” of Jesus, which they’re absolutely not. See Are Jews the Israelites of
the Bible?
Further, as Jewish land thieves disembarked in Palestine in the 1940s to seize Palestinian lands and homes that Zionist terrorist groups – such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah – had stolen in order to turn the country into Israel, they adopted Hebrew names to complete their “Hebraization” process – not unlike what they did when they scattered throughout Europe and America and assumed European surnames. See Israel: Land of Impostors
“We all went ‘native’,” admits Uri Avnery, Israeli political commentator. “On reaching the age of 18, we all exchanged our Jewish names for Hebrew Names. (That’s how Uri Avnery came into being.) We started to think of ourselves as a new nation, with a new “soul”, connected to Judaism, sure, but mainly historically.”
2) Are all people in countries where English is spoken of English descent? No. Were all Catholics, who celebrated mass in Latin, Romans? No.
A spoken language is not indicative of a person’s ancestry.

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