Why India Cancelled Talks with Pakistan?


By Sajjad Shaukat

By using the pretext that Pakistan’s High Commissioner Abdul Basit held meetings with the

Hurriyat leaders of Kashmir, Indian new government led by the fundamentalist party BJP’s

leader and Prime Minister Narindra Modi called off peace talks, scheduled to be held in

Islamabad on August 25, 2014 between foreign secretaries of India and Pakistan.

Although India’s suspension of negotiations has come as a surprise not only for both the

countries and the peace-loving nations of the region, yet it has exposed real intentions of

the BJP rulers who have been breaking all the pervious records. While cancellation of peace

dialogue with Islamabad has put a question mark. But its reply is quite obvious, if we see various

developments in this respect.

It is notable that the extremist party BJP led by the Indian Prime Minister Modi is implementing

anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agenda. In this context, BJP leader Dr. Subramaniam Swamy, a

staunch promoter of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) stated on July 12, this year that India needed

only two years to defeat Pakistan militarily, and the only solution of Kashmir was war, as “there

is no peaceful, democratic solution.

Hence, the decision to terminate the secretary level parleys came as a political maneuvering

by Narindra Modi’s regime, showing signs of Indian arrogance and intransigence, driven by

emotional reaction, on which BJP top leadership capitalized to win the elections 2014. Besides,

India recently intensified unprovoked firing at the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir including

Working Boundary in Sialkot and other sectors to terrorize Pakistan, without caring the fact that

the latter is also a nuclear power.

India has never been sincere in engaging in meaningful peace process with Pakistan. Every

Indian government due to international pressure found it easy to make false pledges that it

was willing to engage in peace process to resolve all issues including Kashmir dispute with

Islamabad. But, New Delhi earnestly endeavored to find excuses and pretexts to cancel peace

talks, while shifting the blame to Pakistan. For example, in 2002, under the pretension of terrorist

attack on the Indian parliament, India postponed the dialogue process. Again, in 2008, India

cancelled the ‘composite dialogue’ on the pretext of Mumbai terror attacks.

It is mentionable that on winning elections, Narindra Modi’s invitation to leaders of South Asian

nations including Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, to his oath-taking ceremony in May

2014, came as a pleasant surprise for political observers, media analysts and general public in

South Asia and world over. The hopes became high and expectations appeared reassuring that

relations between India and Pakistan will get normalized and a way forward will be found to

resolve all outstanding disputes between both the neighboring countries.

But, on May 27, Prime Minister Modi’s meeting with Prime Minister Sharif who went to New

Delhi to participate in the oath-taking ceremony proved faultless, because Modi raised baseless

issues of terrorism as pre-conditions to advance the Pak-Indian dialogue to resolve various

issues including the core dispute of Kashmir. He said that slow pace of trial against the terrorists

regarding the Mumbai 26/11 terror case, being held in Pakistan—Islamabad should take action

against the culprits, and should stop cross-border terrorism in India.

While showing unrealistic approach, and talking in the terms of Hindu religious extremism,

Indian new prime minister ignored the fact that on July 19, 2013 the Indian former home

ministry and ex-investigating officer Satish Verma disclosed that terror-attacks in Mumbai in

November 26, 2008 and assault on Indian Parliament in January 12, 2001 were carried out by the

Indian government to strengthen anti-terrorism laws.

Similarly, Modi also neglected the statement of Indian ex-Home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde

who revealed on January 20, 2013 that organized training camps run by the fundamentalist

parties, RSS and BJP were promoting Hindu Terrorism. He also explained that these extremist

parties were behind the Samjhauta Express, Meccca Masjid and Malegaon blasts.

Earlier, New Delhi has been accusing Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) of

these terror attacks, while Indian new prime minister is again blaming Pakistan for the Mumbai

As regards cross-border terrorism, former Indian Army Chief Gen. VK Singh openly confessed

in September 2013 that special intelligence unit like Technical Services Division were raised

by him to operate inside Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan and Azad Kashmir to conduct

terrorism and to bribe the politicians in the Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Notably, The Times of India had reported that Congress Party’s heir, Rahul Gandhi feels that

“the bigger threat to India may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups which create religious

tension and political confrontation with the Muslim community.”

Nevertheless, Indian hegemonic designs and imperialistic motives coupled with Hindutva radical

dream of “AKHAND BHARAT” must be uncovered through foreign and Pakistani media’s

investigative projections, arguing that India as a usurper and occupying state is not sincere to

engage in peaceful dialogue to resolve outstanding disputes including Kashmir with Pakistan.

In order to show to the western world, and under international pressure, New Delhi resorts

to make false pledges and commitments to hold peace negotiations at various levels with

Islamabad, displaying that it is keen and eager to resolve all issues through peaceful dialogue. Its

real intentions get exposed only when every time, India makes a rash decision to cancel peace

talks on one pretext or the other.

It is also a set practice of India to engage with Kashmiri leadership prior to any high level

meeting with Pakistan. Kashmiri leaders are the central representatives about whom New Delhi

and Islamabad will proceed to decide their fate through peace parleys. Therefore, they cannot be

ignored as vital stakeholders. In this regard, Indian interpretations of stakeholders in the light of

Simla Agreement (By ignoring the Kashmiri leaders) are absolutely mischievous.

It is of particular attention that in the past, every Indian government led by Indian Congress and

BJP had been facilitating meetings of Pakistani officials with the Kashmiri Hurriyat leadership.

But, Modi government’s decision to put off Pak-Indian secretary level talks also seems

politically-motivated. Besides, soon after assuming power, Modi government, hurriedly decided

to forcibly annex and integrate disputed territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K),

uncovering its intentions to wrap up the article 370 of the Indian constitution which ensures a

special status to J&K. The aim behind is to fortify measures and continue its illegal occupation

in the J&K. Therefore, United Nations Military Observer Group India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP)

in New Delhi was asked to vacate official accommodation, claiming that its role had become

irrelevant, and indicating its intention to violate UN Security Council’s resolutions on Kashmir

dispute, and to further commit human rights violations in the India-held Kashmir.

So, Indian extremist rulers’ efforts to abrogate article 370 in the Indian occupied Kashmir

indicates that BJP led Modi government is proceeding with a plan to promote Hindutva

philosophy and annex Kashmir as part of Indian union.

In this connection, external media analysts including those of Pakistan must also point out that

India has also disregarded US suggestions to make concerted efforts to engage in dialogue

process with Islamabad. While exposing Indian delaying tactics coupled with baseless

allegations that cross-border infiltration from Pakistan is on the increase, and Islamabad is not

taking any action against the alleged terrorists of Mumbai attacks. Similarly, Indian Army’s

surge and LoC violations indicate that India is finding excuses to spoil relations with Pakistan.

Moreover, Indian propaganda that Pakistan has been sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan also

reveals the real face of Indian leadership who spare no time in maligning Pakistan even from

Afghan soil where India has itself established secret network, and from where, with the support

of anti-Pakistan secret agencies, it has been sending heavily-armed militants who from time to

time, target check posts of Pak Army including other civil and military installations.

Nonetheless, BJP government has revealed the true face of Hindu leadership—their anti-Muslim

and anti-Pakistan psyche by canceling secretary-level talks with Pakistan on the unjustified plea

that Pakistan’s High Commissioner Abdul Basit held meetings with the Hurriyat leaders, prior

to holding of the scheduled dialogue. New Delhi’s sudden decision to call off talks has come as

a serious blow to peace process between the two countries, sabotaging all signs of optimism that

peace will be brought in South Asia under new leadership of Modi–Nawaz affinity. Instead of

showing courage to face the issues and take steps to address them, confronting the two nuclear

nations, India’s move to cancel the secretary level talks have further uncovered Indian real

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants,

Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations