Who is Allen Ruff and why does he oppose Chuck Hagel?


Alleged “pro-Palestinian peacenik” and enemy of 9/11 truth Allen Ruff wants to defeat Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Secretary of Defense. Why?

I got to know Allen Ruff – a big, dark, hulking, bearded, scowling bully who looks a bit like the old Zionist media caricatures of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, only about 100 pounds heavier – at pro-Palestine demonstrations in Madison, Wisconsin during the 1990s.
Ruff took an instant dislike to me – if “dislike” isn’t too weak a word. At first I couldn’t figure out why. Gradually, it became apparent that Ruff was the leader of a gang of left-wing Jews who were trying to set themselves up as the local pro-Palestine movement – and police the thoughts, words, and deeds of Palestinians, Muslim students and other goyim.
As an articulate American Muslim who shares the near-unanimous position of the people of the Middle East – that Israel” is a criminal enterprise, not a legitimate state – I must have rubbed Ruff the wrong way. He obviously didn’t like me challenging his attempts to police the opinions of the foreign students and pro-Palestine activists. In particular, he was incensed at my suggestion that Palestinians make common cause with Americans rebelling against Israel’s influence in the USA. Any reference to the “Israeli lobby,” much less the “Jewish lobby,” made Ruff explode in volcanic vituperation.
Any and all talk about how Israel dominates US policy, Ruff insisted, was anti-Semitic slander. He claimed that US policy was set by wealthy WASP imperialists, and certainly not by the poor, powerless pro-Israel Jews.
In 2004, Ruff’s hatred for me exploded into near-psychosis when I began leading 9/11 truth teach-ins at the UW-Madison campus. Just hearing me assert that 9/11 was an inside job made him wax apoplectic – even more so than Kenneth Katzman!

Allen Ruff didn’t like Mike Delaney’s “ISRAEL DID 9/11″ T-shirt – so he assaulted him.
When I organized David Ray Griffin’s 2005 “9/11 and American Empire” talk at UW-Madison, which was broadcast nationwide on C-SPAN, Ruff suffered a public meltdown. As I was standing at the podium about to introduce Griffin, Ruff approached me, his face twitching in homicidal rage, growling: “We’re keeping a file on you! That’s right, we’re keeping a file on you!”
Immediately after the Griffin event –  a stunning success attended by almost 500 people – Ruff launched an internet hate campaign attempting to smear me and 9/11 truth as “anti-Semitic.” He even falsely claimed that I had accused him of being a Mossad agent! This struck me as a very odd false accusation, coming from someone who had just threatened me that “We’re keeping a file on you!” Was he protesting too much? (For the record, I doubt he’s a paid Mossad agent; but he sure acts like an unpaid sayanim or “volunteer Mossad helper.”)
When James Petras began doing his magnificent work outing the power of the Zionist lobby, and pointing out that the 9/11 wars were purely for Israel not oil, Ruff predictably tried to shoot Petras down.
Why would a self-styled radical leftist like Ruff try to take over a local pro-Palestine movement, steer it away from challenging or even naming the Zionist lobby, and fanatically oppose anyone who questions 9/11?
Today, the nomination of Chuck Hagel, the Senator “not from Israel, but from the US,” suggests that Netanyahu’s failed attempts to bully Obama may have created a backlash that will end US enslavement to Israel…and possibly even lead to massive cuts in military spending, thereby ending the 9/11 wars against Israel’s enemies.
So predictably, Allan Ruff just wrote a piece for The Progressive trying to convince “pwogwessives” (half-informed middlebrow leftists with good intentions) that they should oppose Hagel’s nomination – a nomination that, more than anything any US president has done since JFK, signals a turn toward peace.
9/11 truth was the only quick way to end the 9/11 wars. Ruff fanatically opposed it, thereby lending his support to those wars.
Chuck Hagel’s nomination signals a slow but inexorable end to the 9/11 wars. Ruff opposes Hagel, instead making common cause with the PNAC neocons, who are dedicated to keeping those wars going (not only to destroy Israel’s enemies, but to keep a lid on 9/11).
Peace – for the US as well as the Middle East – will require breaking the back of the Israel lobby. Ruff is working overtime not only to protect the Israel lobby, which is led by the 9/11 perp neocons, but to reinforce the taboo against even admitting it exists.
Why is self-styled “peacenik” Allen Ruff working so hard to offer clandestine support to wars that have killed millions and displaced more than ten million people?

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